I'm a vampire

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This part is going to be shorter then I had originally intended because everything just decided to delete last night -.- . But it covers everything I wanted this chapter to so I hope you enjoy it anyway . I love you all , stay strong , and Byeeeee <3


- Ricky P.O.V-

I was still trying to figure out what happened that day in the bathroom about two weeks ago , it was just so odd and I have no idea what that was all about .. Chris hasn't spoken a word to me since the incident but that doesn't really surprise me   if I were him I wouldn't want to talk to me either because you know ... I'm me .

It was a couple hours before a show and I wasn't ready at all ... ive stayed clean like Chris had told me to but I was still scared of people seeing my scars because anyone who did always reacted very badly , like I  was just some freak of nature who just shouldn't be here . I mean I know its true but it still just sucks to hear people say it . Whatever it doesn't really matter ill have to get this over with eventually or I never will . I sighed to myself . looking at my face in the mirror . I whispered slightly " You can do it " Then I turned around to see Chris standing right there .

I turned around and jumped back . Almost falling on my ass " CHRIS YOU LITTLE BITCH YOU KNOW YOU CANT SCARE ME LIKE THAT " I yelled at him and he grabbed my  hand and pulled me up to where I was standing directly in front of him . I coward slightly . He was so tall and just intimidating compared to me and it frightened me a little bit but he stood his ground before he spoke .

" We need to talk Ricky . "

His voice was so cold . So emotionless . He didn't have a single breath leaving his body and he just seemed .. dead .

"Um ... what about ?"

" I am a vampire Ricky "

I couldn't contain my giggles .

" Yeah right "

" Im not joking . I am the shadows you fear at night . I am the monster that haunts your dreams . I am your worst nightmare and your utter demise "

" Yeah ok chris .. whatever you say "

I didn't believe him . No one in their right mind would believe what Chris was saying , so I just rolled my eyes at him and started to make my way out of the bathroom . He grabbed me by my arm and pinned me against the wall . His body pressed against mine and although this is what ive dreamed of for years I was terrified right now . I whimpered slightly as he exposed a pair of extremely sharp fangs to me . His eyes clouding over with darkness . My knees felt like they were make of jelly and fear took over my entire body . He leaned close to me and whispered

" Youre lucky I don't kill you right now "

I let out another whimper . I was terrified but chris backed away from me . Stepping out of the bathroom as I fell to the floor in complete shock and disbelief . He wasn't joking . I don't want to be killed by the one I love .  I sat in the floor and rocked slightly

" nope ... its not real ricky ... he doesn't want to kill you .. not now anyway .. once he finds out your gay maybe .. "

I spoke to myself .

" Excuse me ? "

I looked over to see chris standing in the doorway again . He has a habit of appearing at thw worst possible times .

" Youre what ? " 

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