The Game Of Death

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Days are long, Days are short. But forever my mind is dark. In time of what we think for all is lost in mind to wait. Forgotten is in the past our future to behold. For all is lost and no one will ever know. Time from the broken hearted. Forgotten is all over. Lost in time from long ago. No one will even know. But however there is still love with a brighter light, so follow it and go into the unknown. Longing the lust of your true love. In all has come from the above. No more to wait for just open a door and your mind will be set free, and misory and sorror wil be no more, so let it out, open that door to a world of the unknown.

For the time has come, fome death of a loved one. That shattered a heart and fulled it with dark. so no more less in all common sense. The world we once knew has now been more spark, and for now our misory remands. Reminding us to keep a place, but NO! I'ts all gone full of darkness that has now come for us. So say goodbye my dear lover and goodnight for us all to see. No one  will ever be set free,because there is no love anymore. So we need to get out before there is a war in our minds full of the darkness we thought we left behind, because I know it's coming and keeping me awake. For all will be gone, and no more will come. Everything is not what is seems to be . We will never know how much we need the darkness to bring us to the light for with everthing that we know we dont know what is coming next.

These days are rough and seem long but my heart will go on. we will never know how much love a person can hold, but when darkness comes it brings hate in out life until we have no one left and the darkness starts going away but what it has done is made you play a game. A game that can leave us dead, it's the most powerful game but not the heardest. The hardest is the game of life, but what I'm talking about is the Game Of Death. And the game is a very unhappy game. And this is how you play: When you get chosen by darkness it will make you do things, and make you very depressed. It gives you pain, and you want to get rid of it so you try to cut it out, but dont because it only makes it worse, because it makes the darkness stronger. When you cut it means that you are weak and that is what the darkness wants is for you to be weak, and to get put down, so when your weak your losing the game. So stay strong and find others that have gone through it they can help you out because they know what you are going through.

But for me... I have no friends, all I have to hold onto is my boyfriend, and he is doing his best to help me and to keep me alive... but I'm slipping from his grip a little everyday... and it hurts... I try to be strong but if I lose him then I'm gone forever. I've tried to talk to people about it like my family, but they say that I just want attention, even though it's not true. And I show them the cuts, they have seen them, but still they dont do anything about it. So if the darkness takes contol there will be no more if me, and I'm sorry and as I write this with my shaky hands... it's hard to keep writing, it's hard to think of what more to say but... I want to keep this going  I want to keep this alive.. I want to stay alive... So when the depression leaves me and the darkness fades away, So when I WIN the game, I will keep fighting and I will stay strong as I can but I get weaker and weaker as my life goes on

More I lost with every fight, all in all we say goodnight, hold our hands and take our life. The darkness is nothing but something we have lost, the darkness is nothing for all is gone. There is no light there are no stars. There is nothing the world is ours. Gone with the sun gone with the stars gone with the moon, for it is ours. So take that breath and say goodbye for all in all we say goodnight. With every breath in my body I will use it's light. But until then there shall be no more. So hello to all of my stars. Smile please and be at peace. But you keep it inside all that anger, so STOP dont keep it there it will tear you appart, so rip something up and throw it around get all that anger out instead of getting pushed around. Stand up for your self, be the person you were supost to be and be set free, let yourself fly. Feel alive, and say sorry death not today! 

There is something more in all of us we don't have to keep putting up with this. This is just dragging us down and throwing us away but we don't need to let it happen. This is something that most people don't understand unless they go through it themselves so let's keep going let's keeps on living!!! Feel free to be alive to be loved. Keep on fighting and holding on. But like I said befor I am sliping through every day. Some day I will be gone, but I wont die from suicide, at least that's what I hope. And I want you to do the same, stay strong and talk to someone. There is a lot more to life then death so don't let darkness win.

There is a lot about darkness that many people do not know. We believe that darkness can't take over somone but it can and it has and will. You need to be careful and you need to stay away from the monster. I still haven't gotten away from the darkness, and now my friend has let the devil inside him. I tried to help him I told him and all he did was laugh but that devil is going to destroy him. For this I don't know what to do, he is done for.

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