Unconditional Love

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~J.K Rowling owns all rights to these characters~


Yesterday we arrived back at Hogwarts. I was planning on doing some extensive research on Wizard Tattoo's, because everytime I went to go to the Library at home, Draco would usher me back in to bed. I didn't want to stay in bed all day! I wanted to be up and moving about. But Draco wouldn't have any of it. I even asked him to bring me books from his personal library, but he kept insisting there was none, but that Library had a book on every topic in the Wizarding World. And to top it off, there were three Libraries in the Manor, and he had warded all three. It's so frustrating!

But I had a plan. You see, we are back at Hogwarts. And Hogwarts has the best stocked Library in the Wizarding World. And I have all the access in the world to it! And there is nothing Draco can do about it. Something else that I can use to my advantage, is the fact that Draco's free period's are now full, well for the next week anyway. He has to cover for some teacher for 2 of them and then he's in the Hospital Wing for the rest. Madam Pomfrey is swamped with cases of Wizard Flu and Draco and I are the only quallified Professors that can administer the potions required to heal them. I offered aswell, but Draco wouldn't let me. Apparently it would be too much work for me to do. There is nothing wrong with me. I can walk! He thinks I am disabled or something. Really annoying. But this week I am getting to the Library, whether Draco knows about it or not. I hate lying to Draco, but if I need to, I will.

I was preparing myself for my first class. Draco had left a few minutes ago and I was warding my classroom. I was having a problem with a certain Weasley trying to gain access to my classroom, every free period he had. Doing my head in! I shouldn't have to ward my own classroom against someone. I don't want to go to Minerva about it. It would just be like we were back in school and I was becoming the class snitch.

No! My way was better. Much better! I could inflict pain this way, and he would know not to mess with me.

Being with Draco really has brought out the evil side in me. Or as Draco likes to call it 'The Slytherin The Lies Beneath'. He believes that everyone has some Slytherin in them, whether they like it or not.

I had to agree with him. Everybody has a Slytherin side to them. I always though Ginny should have been in Slytherin. She's one of the most Diabolical person I know.

My class had started to file in so I finished my wards and made my way to the top of the class. I was planning on asking every class I had what they knew about Wizarding Tattoo's. I was losing a week's worth of teaching, but if I found out why I have a Dragon on my back, then I would be happy.

*bells* Beginning of Class.

"Now class, I know we were supposed to move onto defensive charms, but I came across something of interest over the weekend and I wanted to know what you know about it" I said.

When doing things like this, I liked to write on the blackboard myself.

"Today's topic is Wizard Tattoo's" I said.

"And I don't mean the type you go get done yourself, I mean the one's that magically appear"

"Now, anybody know anything about them?" I asked.

A handful of hands went up.


"Legend says that someone who is marked is in the deepest love. No one can seperate them. Only death himself can" She said.

I wrote the key words on the board, taking a mental note of every word she said. I turned back to the class, hoping to get some more information.

"Ciara" I said, picking out the brainy Gryffindor.

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