Chapter 8

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*🤓AUTHORS NOTE🤓* Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. My uncle was in the hospital, my grandmother was in town, I went out of town and then Christmas and New Years. Then school came around and now I actually have TIME!!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!!!!! Yeah, it was crazy. But I should be getting someone to edit my last chapter soon and hopefully my other ones too, someone other than me, YAYY!!! So any mistakes I apologise for. 😜 And from now on I will be trying to do more Author's Notes, I like yapping at you guys! 😘😜 Have a fantastic day!!!!

The next morning I am the first to wake up. Rolling onto my back I stretch and I search  for my phone charging on the wall to check the time. Squinting through the blinding light in the dark room I see that it's 4:30 in the morning. Just in time for swim practice. I bolt upright. CRAP! I forgot about swim practice!!! I plop back down on the mattress and groan as quietly as possible. I feel something move closer to me underneath the blanket and look to see Chance burying his head into my side, smiling I grab my phone once again and call my trainer Rex.

Much to my chagrin, he picks up on the second ring. "Hey Rex what's up?"

"You just woke up didn't you."

Well crap, no need to try and hide it now, "Yup" I say, popping the p.

"Well I guess you can still make it anyway. Wait. Why are you calling me then?"

"Well, uh. Funny thing is. You see, uhhhhhhhhhh."

"Damn it. Fine, why aren't you coming in today?"

"I'm at my friend's in Boulder and I came up last night with the full intention of coming back down later yesterday but there was that huge storm and I couldn't leave. My dad said I should stay here and I did. I promise I'll log in extra time tomorrow! Double even!"

"Make it triple effort for double the amount of time and I won't hold a grudge."

"YES!!!!!! I PROMISE!!!!!!! I WON'T LET YOU DOWN REX!!!!!!" I whisper yell.

"I know you won't, but if I see anything less than 300% tomorrow, you'll be coming in earlier on Sunday."

"Yessir." I straighten myself into a plank and salute him.

"Did you just salute me?"

"Maybe." Relaxing I begin to softly stroke Chance's little head.

"See you at 4:45 on the dot tomorrow morning. Then again at 4 in the after noon. If you aren't in the pool warming up by those times all the grudges will be held."

"Thems be lots of grudges."

"Yes, and they would like to run free."

I laugh as quietly as possible, still trying to not disturb my friends, "Ok weirdo. See you then."

"By squid." I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out and say bye as well before I put my phone back and try to sleep again. It's not long before I am totally passed out. However, I feel as if I had only blinked before my shoulder is ripped from its socket and twin screams of "WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY!" bring forth blood from my ears. I immediately bolt up from the floor and prepare myself for a fight, only to be met with my "friends" grinning like chimpanzees trying to hold in their hysterics. And of course, they utterly fail in that regard.

As my breathing clams, my so called "friends" begin with their inevitable belly aching laughter and I contemplate my revenge. Oh how sweet it will taste. I shift from my battle stance, cross my arms lightly across my chest and settle my facial expression into neutral.

Once Fi calms enough to notice me demeanor, she immediately sobers up and begins to lightly punch Dee's arm to get her attention. After a few seconds of that failure she begins to whisper frantically, "Dude, dude. She's really pissed. Dee, we are totally going to die." However, Dee is too far gone at this point. I stay stoic and Fi just gives up on trying to save Dee's life and runs from her bedroom screaming. Only now Dee begins to fully understand what the two of them did. Once this realization and fear settle in Dee looks at my face, it's only at this moment that I smile.

Dee screams and rushes out of the room, and giggles the rest of the way to her hiding place. After rolling my eyes I flatten myself against the wall and begin stalking the two who woke me up with a deadly expression on my face. The hunt is on.

All of those X Box first person shooter games that I've played with my brother begin to kick in and I'm doing that weird crouch run thing, peering around corners at knee height, somersaulting across hallways to get to the other side, using anything I can to get a reflection to see around corners, all while holding my fingers like a pistol.

I scour the whole house, finding Fi in the movie theater and Dee in then laundry room, and head towards the kitchen with the giggling culprits following close behind. Once we get there we are greeted by Mr. And Mrs. P making breakfast for all of us. I squeal and hug them before they even get a word out. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

After my screams die out I see Fi and Dee rolling their eyes and listen to Fi explain to her parents, "You never want to wake that one up without food in your hands."

"So I'm guessing that the screams and giggles were from Blaze's revenge?" Mrs. P asks.

"Perhaps." My tone is nonchalant as my two best friends go pale at the memory of the deadly tickle torture methods I used as pay back. I try to hide my smirk as the girls sit beside me at the island and dig into the pancakes, waffles, strawberries and bacon spread out on the table. Breakfast passes by a lot faster than I want it to and soon enough its 10 o'clock and my dad just texted me to ask when I will be home. "Hey guys, I gotta get going. My dad just asked when I'm getting home and I still have to get everything for little Chance guy."

"Ok babe. Be careful and drive safe." Fi looks up from her perch on the window sill. Dee just nods fanatically and shouts a quick farewell, not daring to take her eyes off of the Mario Cart level she is dominating.

I gently kick her with my foot and bolt from the living room laughing manically all the way to Fiona's room where my bag is. On the way out of the house I find Mr. and Mrs. P and give them both hugs and scoop up my little Chance as I head out the front door.

*🤓AUTHORS NOTE🤓* Hey guys, sorry again for the hella long hiatus period. I've been super unorganized and all the stuff at the beginning of the chapter really happened and then my Junior year of high school started. And believe me when people tell you its the hardest year of high school. It really is. Then more medical emergencies happened and I got a job and I have had no time outside of catching up on school to try and write. BUT NO MORE!!!!!!!!!! BY THE END OF THIS SCHOOL YEAR THIS BOOK WILL BE DONE!!! hopefully. But anyway, please vote, comment and have a fantabulous day!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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