Saying Goodbye to Yesterday

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**this is the prologue by the way**

"Christian! What are you doing!?" I questioned my long time best friend, Christian Mathews. He was, yet again, doing something entirely stupid.

He had ran out into the middle of the street and started dancing like a fool. Chris was the master of doing stupid things that I would never think of doing ever. He was a lot more courageous than I had ever been in my life.

"Dancing in the middle of the street," he said bluntly and smiled, "what does it look like I'm doing?"

"Careful, Chris. Your smart ass is showing."

He looked down at his butt as if checking it out, "nope. Looks good to me!"

A laugh escaped my lips. His sarcasm and sense of humor made me fall for him hard about two years ago.

He continued to speak, "come on, Av! Get out here, I, uh, need to ask you something," he seemed a bit nervous and acted like he had something on his mind.

"Alright, I'll be over in a minute."

I made sure to look both ways before heading out to the middle of the street. I wasn't gonna get run over today!

"Okay, what do you need to ask me?" I looked up at at my best friend of 15 years and smiled.

He took both of my hands in his, looked down at me, and smiled. His blue eyes sparkled with happiness, "Avery, I know we've been best friends for a while now. I remember when we met in kindergarten. I made fun of you for only being four and in kindergarten; you hated me so much for that. But eventually we became the best friends that we are today."

I laughed at the memory of that, "I remember that like it was yesterday! What about it though?"

"I wanted to ask you if you would like to, uhm, be more than, uh, friends?" He stuttered out.

A smile grew across my face, "Christian Mathews, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"I mean, if you want to," he trailed off.

I wanted to say yes but I couldn't talk. I was too shocked to say anything. The only thing I could do was smile, but he didn't see it. He was too busy looking at the road at this point.

"I knew I shouldn't have asked that. It's just that I've really liked you for a while now. You get me and you actually take the time to understand me. You're like the other piece of me-"

"Christian! Yes. I will be your girlfriend!" I interrupted his speech.

"Yo-you will? Really?"


He took me in his arms and lifted me off the ground and twirled us around which caused me to giggle.

"Put me down! We should probably get out of the middle of the street."

"Right," he replied and intertwined our fingers together.

"Look both ways, Chris."

"Forget that! Let's just go for it!"

I sighed, "fine."

Our feet started to move quickly across the pavement. Then everything went black.


"Av..?" A faded voice said, "Av? Avery! Please wake up!"

My vision was very much blurred. Someone was lightly shaking my hand causing my arm to shake too. I couldn't say or move on my own, for I was too weak to do anything.

And just like that I blacked out once again.

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