Chapter 1

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Thyra sat in her room staring up at the dull ceiling, hoping to cure her bordem. Thyra is an orphan at Willow Creek orphanage, it may sound cosey, but it's not. The owners who own the place are so cruel that they would kill you if you get out of line, so you better wach your mouth. The owners provide the children with one small room made of cement with a sleeping bag to sleep in. They gave you one meal a day and no new clothes. It was scary and misrable at Willow Creek,but you had to make the best of it to keep your sanity. A bell rang and Thyra's door opened and she scampered down the dark corridors toward the lunch room. Thyra was the first one there, but Tess was soon behind her. Tess was Thyras best friend and they always spent time together when they had the chance. Tess had long raven black hair and long bangs. Her pale skin went well with her dark purple blouse and dirty jeans. Thyra had dark brown hair and wore a teal T-shirt with ratty old ripped jeans. Tess waved,"hey" she said quietly with her head hung low."uh,hi"Thyra replied a little confused about Tess's attitud. A few seconds later a lot more kids started arriving and the big doors to the cafetiria creaked open. Thyra and Tess rushed inside and got in line to receive their only meal. Today instead of one bowl of oatmeal, they received steak and vegetables. Even though the food was amazingly delicious, everyone was more grumpy and moody than usual. Thyra sat down next to Tess and took a big bite out of a big juicy apple. "Why is everyone so............glum?" She asked curiously. Tess paused for a moment before responding. "Its tomorrow" she said almost in a whisper. "What's tomorrow?" Thyra asked, annoyed at the un-strait awnser. Tess paused again, "The.......The Spartan Wars". Thyra's eyes widend and her face darkend. The Spartan Wars are when all the children 13 and older are forced to participate in a bloody war that is a lot like the Hunger Games. The owners seperate the old enough kids into two teams, the red and the blue, then they pick two leaders for each team who is in charge. They also give bolth teams swords and other deadly weapons to kill the opponents. The point of the game is to kill the other teams leader, and whichever team wins gets to go to a different orphanage in California, and whoever looses gets to stay until next year till the next Spartan War and hope they don't die. They do this in a really big arena (HUGE) where each team fights to the death. This year is the first year that Thyra and Tess were able to participate, and Thyra had forgotten all about it until now. Thyra sat and ate the rest of her meal in silence. The only reason they got good food was most likely because they need The kids to have energy for tomorrow. It disgusted Thyra that the owners found amusement out of this, and that the goverment hadn't found out yet. "Tomorow" Thyra thought to herself, "Everything was going to change tomorrow.

Spartan WarsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora