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Thyra that away her plate and started walking back to her room when a hand appeared on her shoulder, Thyra turned and saw Tess with a sad expression on her face. "I'm sure it'll be fine"she said as she tried a smile. "Yeah, ok" she replied and returned back to her room. She sat on the cold cement floor as her mind overflowed with images of what could happen to her. Thyra had come to this orphanage when she wa five, her parents had abandoned her in the middle of the highway. Even thought it still hurt, she was trying her best to keep her spirit up, but sometimes she snapped and started acting all snooty. Tess had come to Willow Creek only a few years after, and when you are younger, the owners keep two people in one cell, so Thyra and Tess used to spend a lot of time together. Tess was kindhearted and sweet, but she could be the toughest girl that Thyra knows if she wanted to. The Spartan Wars was gonna be the hardest thing that she would ever have to face. A little while later, Thyra started drifting off to sleep.

Thyra woke by the sound of a bell ringing in the hall. She sat up and starred at the wall, as she did every morning. Suddenly, the door swung open and a tall man with sooo much hair gel in his slick black hair stepped in. Thyra recognized him almost instantly, it was one of the owners. "Get over here ya little brat"he said as he grabbed her arm and dragged her out of her room into a bigger one filled with kids her age or older. It was happening, the Spartan Wars were happening. Thyra spotted Tess in a corner, talking to an older boy that looked like he knew what was coming. Thyra walked over and Tess noticed her. "This", she said pointing to the boy,"is bryan". The boy said nothing but flashed a slight smile. "He has participated in the Spartan Wars before", Tess said,"I was asking him if it's all that bad". "It is" Bryan said in a deep raspy voice. "Its like nothing you could ever dream of, worse than your worst nightmares. Children killing children for adult amusement, it's sick" Bryan turned away and stayed silent. Tess sat down and said nothing. After a couple more kids were dragged in the room, the man that had gotten Thyra walked back in with a big list. "As you all know" he said, "this year you will be participating in the Spartan Wars, so, first I will call out the leaders of each team"he said as he looked down at his list. "Thyra is the leader of the blue team and Tess is the leader of the red." Thyra and Tess looked at eachother, faces full of fear. The man continued,"I have picked you two for the job because I know your best friends and it will be a lot more interesting waching you two order your troops to kill eachother". Thyra jumped out of her seat and yelled,"YOU DID THIS ON PORPOSE YOU....YOU....SICK,SICK PERSON". Thyra lunged at the man, but Bryan grabbed her shoulder and held her back. "Tsk tsk tsk" the man scolded her,"you better wach yourself if you want to stay alive until the Spartan Wars actually start". Thyra balled her fists and sat back down. Thyra sadly looked at Tess, who had tears forming in her eyes. "I'm not going to kill you" Tess said sobbing,"I can't- I won't do it"! "We'll figure it out" Thyra replied, glaring at the man, and he smirked back. The man read out the rest of the teams, but Thyra didn't hear a word, she was stuck in a position in which she would have to kill her best friend, but she wouldn't do it, she would find another way, she had to. Once the man was finished, the teams separated in oppisi sides of the room. Thyra got up and went to the left side of the room while Tess went to the right. Thyra saw Bryan standing on the blue side with some other boys she didn't know. Thyra trudged over, quickly wiping away tears. "So" she said to the group of boys, "is this anyone's first time exept for me". A couple of the boys groaned and walked away, but Bryan stayed silent. Thyra looked around at her team, there was about 50 kids, and she also noticed another thing, they were all starring at her. Thyra whispered to Bryan, "Why is everyone starring at me like that?" Bryan rolled his eyes and replied,"cause this is the first time in a while that a first-timer was chosen leader. "Oh" Thyra said, a little embarrassed that everyone thought she was gonna get them killed. She looked over to the other side of the room and saw that Tess was having a similar problem with her team. The man clapped his hands and said, "now that you are in your teams, let's get you down to the battle field". T Thyra's heart skipped a couple hundred beats when he said that. "No no no no no, wait, we can't battle now, we just arrived here!" She could see Bryan rolling his eyes in the background. "Thyra" the man said like he was talking to a five year old, "I'm just gonna show you stuff today, tomorrow you can battle to the death". Thyra grumbled something about this being crap and then stayed silent. The floors suddenly dropped out from under them and they all stumbled down a big tube. The tube dropped them all in a big pile in a HUUUUUGE room filled with dirt. "This is it, a room full of dirt", Thyra said to the man sarcasticly. "WOULD YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!" Bryan yelled, "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET KILLED BEFORE THE WAR EVEN STARTS, THEN SHUT UP. AND NO, THE BATTLE FIELD GETS MUCH MORE COMPLICATED THAN THIS". Thyra didn't get it, but she stayed quiet. The man walked over to Tess and said to her, "take your entire team to the other side of the room where you will find a fort, that will be your teams base". Tess nodded and looked at Thyra, she took a step toward her, probably to say goodbye, but the man stopped her by shouting, "I MEAN NOW!!!!!!!" Tess flinched and imediatly turned an walked the other side. The man then turned and started to walk in the other direction, and he motioned her to follow. Thyra didn't like it, but she followed and so did her team. After a walk that took forever, a big building appeared in the distance. It was the size if a five star hotel, but with a metal catwalk all around it. Once they got inside, things got wierd. It looked exactly like a hotel and not a battle base, the only thing that gave it away were the piles and piles of weapons, medical supplies, and cool gadgets. Thyra looked back to ask the man what to do, but he was gone. Thyra looked for Bryan, but he was already in the elevator. She turned to her team, who was anxiously waiting for orders. "You should all get some sleep, the beds are upstairs". She said loudly, and as soon as she did, the crown herded into the elevators and went to the first floor. When they arrived, all of her team disapeared into rooms down the hallway. Thyra looked at one of them, and it had her name on it! "I guess this ones mine",she said to herself as she loaned the door. The room was pretty big, and the bed looked sooo comfy. The walls were a light blue, and the sheets on the bed mached. There was a desk with a mini fridge a computer. The bathroom was in the corner, and the she could use a good bath. On the bed lay a pair of new clothes, an army green tank-top and a new pair of jeans. A black pair of black combat boots lay at the foot of the bed. "The first night might not be as bad as it seemed". She said to herself. Thyra took off her old dirty clothes and started the shower, it felt really good. Once she had cleaned off all her filth (wich took a while cause she hadn't showered in years) she tried on the new clothes laying on her bed. To her suprise, they fit! Thyra tucked herself in the thick warm blanket and slowly drifted asleep, trying not to think about tomorrow. Soon enough, the world faded into blackness.

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