Chapter one.

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Sophia's POV...


We sat down on the bed and waited, though it didnt take long because our door was thrown open and Officers Milton and Martin ran in then shut the door behind them pulling there guns out pointing towards the door.

"What the hells going on?" Jay asked, he both stood up and went over to them,

"Stay behind us you too, Nicks been spotted in the prison but we cant find him" Zack said, Jay grabbed me and held me close to him behind the officers.

"I love you Sophia forever" he said kissing me.

"I love you too cellie"

The door was once again thrown open and there he was Nick fyfe, the man that has maultiple times tried to kill me.

"Honey! I'm home!"

Jay tightened his hold on me stepping back so we were against the far wall, i noticed the way Nick was standing like he was in pain, and judging by the blood on his leg id say he was shot, that didnt stop him from smiling though.

He was leaning against the edge of the door frame with his left arm hidden behind the wall.

"Nick get down on the ground now" Zack yelled, Nicks smile only grew into a huge grin worrying me.

"How about the both of you drop your wepons, or i kill this little one right now" Nick laughed as he stood up straight revealing his left arm that was holding Lilly who was sleeping in his arm.

"NOOO" i yelled pulling out of Jays arms taking a step forward, how the hell did he get my baby, she was with my mother, wait mum? What did he do with my mother?

"You ass whole, give us back or child" Jay growled stepping in front of me, Nick took a knife out of his pocket and put it to Lilly's throat, Lilly stayed asleep unawear of whats happening around her.

"I said drop your wepons now" Nick said pushing the knife at Lilly's skin waking her up, she looked up at Nick and started crying.

"Please dont hurt her, she has nothing to do with this, guys please put your guns away" i pleaded to the guards.

"But-" Milton started but i cut her off.

"Please he'll kill her, our baby, please" i cried, tears spilling down my face, with much reluctance they put there guns on the floor putting there hand up stepping back so they were next to Jay and i.

"They dropped there guns, now please Nick give me my baby" i begged, he looked down at Lilly then at me frowning.

"You were suppose to be mine, we were suppose to be together, she should be my child, but you betrade me by sleeping with that thing over there" he said motioning to Jay then looking back at me.

"You know how i felt about you, you knew that i wanted to be with you forever, why? Why did you hurt me?" He asked.

"I dont love you Nick, i could never love you, you beat and stabbed me, you shot me, then tried to blame it on me, how could i ever love you when really you were the one that betrade me" he stumbled back against the door and dropped the knife, he looked down at Lilly then back at me lifting his free hand towards me.

"Come with me, we can leave this place together, you me and the baby, i could be her new father, and i promise to spend the rest of our lives making it up to you" he said, i frowned at his words, why doesnt he get it? I'll never want to be with him he's insane.

"Fine have it your way then, if you dont come with me right now, i'll kill her, he produced another, much bigger knife and held it to Lilly.

"NOO, alright, alright. I'll come with you just please dont hurt her" i slowly walked towards him ignoring Jay and the Officers cries for me to 'dont do it' or 'hell kill you' i didnt care all i cared about was saving my daughter.

When i was infront of him he gave me Lilly, i wrapped my arms around her whispering to her.

"Shhh its okay mummys got you now, mumm will keep you safe" she calm down soon after thankfully, Nick turned me around and put the knife to my throat making me get a hit of deja vu, hopefully this time i dont get shot again.

"No one is to follow us am i understood?" The three nodded not having any other choice, i looked at Jay and saw the pain in his eyes as he watched me.

"I love you" i mouthed then was out of sight we started speed walking threw the corridors guards holding there guns towards us at Nick, but they didnt risk shooting incase they shot me or Lilly.

"We're almost free" he said into my ear as we were walking long the court yard where all the prisoners were, when they saw us they made a path watching our every move in complete silence.

"HEY" at the sound of a males voice i was forst to stop walking as Nick turned us around, the prisoners where still spread apart but there was one prisoner a really big man with tattoos all over himself standing infront of us, i've seen this man around before he's a leader of one of the gangs in here.

"What?" Nick asked.

"What the hell do you think your doing with her and that baby?" The prisoner asked looking at me then Lilly.

"Whats it to you?" Nick replied.

"That girl is a prisoner so she's one of us, and so is that baby, we dont appresiate outsiders taking whats ours isnt that right gents?" He yelled out, suddenly all the prisoners surrounded us crossing there arms, i smiled when i saw Jay being one of those men.

Guard after guard appeared in the crown with there guns pointing at us, i can't believe it the prisoners and theguards are working together to save me and by baby.

A path way was made and mum and dad walked threw to the front with the path closing behind them, dad crossed his arm not taking his eyes off Nick.

"You better let my daughter and granddaughter go or i may just turn my back while all these prisoners have there way with you" dad said to Nick.

"They wouldnt do as you say their prisoners they dont have to take orders from an old man" he yelled back but you could hear the dought in his voice.

"As Mr Sanders said, we dont like outsiders taking whats ours" all together all the prisoners stomped one foot forward making a loud banging sound that echoed threw the yard making me jump.

Without Nick seeing i was able to slide Lilly down my body on to the ground, when she was safely there she started crawling away from me out of harms way, when she was at the prisoners reach that gang leader picked her up and held her to him.

"You still think you have any chance of making it out of here alive?" Dad asked, Nick growled like an animal but dropped the knife.

"Take him to the confindment, i'll deal with him later, three guards stepped forward and hand cuffed him then led the screaming man away, once he was gone and you could no longer hear his scream mum and dad ran forward and hugged me followed by Jay.

All the prisoners started cheering making us laugh, the leader that was holding Lilly came up to me handing her over.

"That you so much for keeping my baby safe" i said to him, he nodded before walking away celebrating with everyone else.

"Alright settle down" dad yelled, all the men quiet down listening.

"I just want to thank you all for saving my family, and to show how greatful i am you all will recieve a special reward tomorrow, so everyone up bright and early for showers then to the food hall for your suprise"

There were a corus of yeah's and yays, they all started walking off talking amongst themselves trying to figue out what the suprise is.

"Baby im so glad your okay, and you to my beautiful girl" Jay said taking Lilly from my hands throwing her in the air and catching her a few times making her laugh histerically.

"Did he hurt you?" Dad asked me looking me over.

"No dad im fine, he cut Lilly a little bit but that was it" Jay stopped throwing lilly up in the air when he heard that and checked her body and found some dried blood on the side of her neck.

"I'll kill him" Jay said angry even though Lilly was fine, he hugged Lilly close to him then came over to me and kissed me hard.

"By the way, i love you too" he said smiling i just laughed.

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