Chapter nine.

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"Nick has requested that before he dies he wants to talk to you Sophia, one last time" Zack said though Jay immediately went off like i knew he would.

"You have got to be kidding me! No!" Jay said pointing at me.

"You're not going you hear me? No way! Nope nope nope! Don't even think about it no shes not going" Jay said to Zack, I've never seen him act like this before, well i totally understand where he's coming from i mean the first time i see him he punches my stomach brusing it beyond anything, my stomach still has little bruse marks from that day, then the next time i see him i get SHOT!!! Putting me into a coma for who bloody knows how long, then she sues ME! For him shooting me, then he comes and holds me and my baby at knife point.... just bad luck happens every time i see him. (A/N: i put all that in there to remind you all of what happened in the first prison book so when i do bring Nick back you all arent confussed)

"Calm down Jay, this is Sophia's decision, i hate this as much as you do but i have to ask being his final request, so Sophia, what do you say? Will you see Nick one last time or not?" Zack asked me.

I looked over at Jay who was shaking his head telling me no, then i looked down at Lilly who was laying on me playing with my hair, she looked up at me and smiled again.

"You know what? Yes i will theres something i want to say to him before he dies"

"What? You can't be serious?" Jay asked, i smiled at him trying and failing to reassure him.

"Its okay babe, everything will be fine"

"No Sophia it won't be fine, did you forget what he did to you?" He asked.

"No i did not forget, the man shot me Jay you think i can forget something like that? But he's going to die as soon as i finish talking to me so theres nothing he can really do to me"

"I don't like this Sophia" he said crossing his arms.

"Da da" all eyes turned to Lilly who was looking at Jay holding her arms out, holy shit she said her first word, granted da da isn't an actual word but we know what she means so its word enough for me.

"What did you say baby?" I asked sitting her up on my lap.

"Da da, da da"

"Yes I'm you're da da, give here here someone please" Jay said, a tear appearing in his eyes but this time from happiness, mum got up and grabbed Lilly taking her to Jay, he wrapped his arms around her as she put her little arms around his neck.

"Da da" she said again.

"Yes baby, da da loves you so much, can you say mumma?" He asked, we all stayed quiet waiting to see if she can.

"Come on sweety say mumma" Jay said, Lilly frowned looking more cuter if thats even possible before making me cry by saying.

"Mummummumm" everyone cheered for her telling her what a good girl she is.

"What? Whats going on in here?" Dad asked rushing in with Susan.

"Lillys talking Max" mum said wrapping her arms around dads waist.

"What? You're joking, say something sweety?" He asked Lilly, though she was to consentrated on laughing to hard from Jay tickling her.

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