Part 33

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Me: hey what the fuck is your problem.

Emma: What are you talking about ??

Me: your telling me that you want me to fuck matt but yet your Texting him saying that he should be with you and that I'm a a bitch. You told me not to talk to him because he's a fuckboy.

Emma: oh yea you're a fucking bitch you took matt from me. And I never was your best friend. I told you to go with matt so this could happen so that you would hate him and he would be with me bitch and that worked because I know you hate him.. And he's was a fuckboy to you and be won't be to me we will be happy together.

Me: I can't fucking believe you. You we're always a bitch to me and everyone and if any boy liked me I never was with them because you told me that they were all fuckboys. But you were just always mad because they didn't like you.. And I think you should know that me and matt are together now we're dating so you won't be with him... And were not friends anymore.

Emma: I could care less if me and you were friends I have joy and I've always liked her more then you.

Me: yea let me if she will still be you're friend.. After I tell her what you did... And I knew her first.

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