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NOTE: All the way to the end please: 

5 Years later JASMINE'S POV:  Matt and I are married and jeydon is going to school, We live next to are family but we live on are own we are now in our late 20's so we are not that young to live together alone.  "Mommy I'm leaving for school"Jeydon said giving me a hug. "Oh bye I love you"I said hugging him back he rides with my friend and her son. I went up to the room and matt was sitting in bed.   " I can't believe that's starting 1 grade  today" I said. "I know he grew up so fast"He said. "do you think the teacher is going to say something when you go get him"I said. I said that because Matt and I had Jeydon when we we're young so we are younger then all the other mom's and dad's. "Maybe a first they will think we are there to pick up your little brother but we can just tell them that we are married and we have a kid together"Matt said getting closer kissing me pulling me closer to him. 

I know what you're thinking eww they are old now to be kissing as if they are still teenagres.  No Matt and I are just in are 20's we are still young, so if we didn't have jeydon we would be doing other things but we are glad we have him. 

It was later on in the day and we had to go get jeydon. We got ready and we went to go get him. We got to the school and went to his class room.  We walked in and I went to go get jeydon and matt went to go sign him out. I was carrying jeydon and I walked over to matt at the desk. "Hey baby how are you"Matt asked jeydon. "It was fun daddy"He said. Matt smiled smiled.  "Hi can I help you too"Some lady said. "Oh yes we are here to get jeydon Espinosa"I said. "Well I'm going to need to see your IDcard and you are going to need to put jeydon down"She said. "Umm Why"I asked. "Because we have to make sure he knows you guys are"She said looking at me and matt. "We are his mom and dad"I said. she looked at me with big eyes. "Oh my I'm so sorry you should have said that"She said. "Why do I need to if I'm here to pick up my son"I said. "You guys just to young to have a kid"She said. "Oh yea we get that a lot but we do have a  kid and we are married"I said. "I'm sorry next time I'll know"She said. We left to the house and matt's mom and dad came over They wanted to take jeydon out for awhile. 

I was in the room on the bed doing something's for work matt was in the shower. After awhile matt got out and started rubbing my thighs, I looked at him and he smiled at me I smiled back. "Matt not right now I'm doing something for work"I said. "Come babe you are always doing something for work take break"He said moving my computer off of me pulling me down so that he was on top of me. 

MATT'S POV: I pulled her closers to me so that I was on top of her. As I kissed her neck I could feel her body being relax. It was like the first time we met  at the party we didn't have sex but we we're just waiting for one of us to make a move. I kept kissing her all the way down to her stomach I took off her jeans and shirt and I took off mine as well. I put my self into her and went slow and then went faster our moans we're loud we could hear the echo of them.   As we both got close I went a little faster, After we were done we just layed on the bed.  We just layed there hugging. "It was like the first time we did it"I said. "yea I know I was thinking that to"She said. "I never thought that we were going to be together"She said. "I know but we are we have our baby boy and we are married"I said kissing her. "yea I couldn't ask for anything more"She said. 

A FEW WEEKS LATER JASMINE'S POV: It was a few weeks later and everyone went to the beach just not me or matt because I wasn't feeling good all week I kept throwing up, so matt stayed home with me. This week I should have to got my period but I didn't. I went to the store and I bought a test I didn't tell anyone yet. "Matt I'm going to use the bathroom don't come in"I said. "Okay"He said. I took the test and waited to see what it said.  It was like 3 minutes later and I was in the bathroom. "Jasmine are you okay"Matt asked. "Yea I'm fine"I said. "okay"He said. I got the test and looked at it. Oh My God I said to myself I was pregnant for some reason I wanted to cry but not because I was pregnant it's because I couldn't believe it. I got out the bathroom and matt was on his phone I took it from and sat on his lap. "Hey"I said. "hey"he said smiling. "I need to tell you something"I said. "Okay what is it"He asked. "Okay so you know how last week we had sex"I said. "Yes what about it" He said. "Well umm"I said. "What you want to have sex right now"He said. "No"i said. "What why not"He said. "it's not I don't want to but I need to show you something"I said. "Okay what"He said. I put the test into a little box I give it to matt.  "What is this"He asked. "Open it"I said. He opened it and his mouth opened and he looked at me. "Jasmine is this real don't mess with me"he said holding on to me. "It's real I'm not messing with you"I said. "Are you fucking playing please tell me that you aren't lieing"He said. "Matt we had sex last week you didn't put on a condom"I said. "Oh My God we are going to have another baby"He said hugging me. 


Hey Guys This Is The End, I Hope you guy's liked it.  I'm sad that it's over but I am writing the other books so that's good right. SO I Just Want to Say Thank you so much for reading the book and  to the people who we're here from the beginning for still reading I don't know how to thank you guys😘 .  If you guys want to know what they have and how other people in the book react to them having another baby, Comment down below If you want a part two of this book Should I just start Part 2 in this book?. Please comment like crazy and like and share the book so that other people could read it. 😘 Thank you guys for reading I love all of you. Oh A new book is coming out too Yay!

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