Chapter 10

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We are currently on tour and tonight we are partying with a bunch of people. Since we are in Europe, Riley and I are allowed to drink. Riley told me that she wasn't going to drink and she doesn't want me to drink. I don't know if I'll listen to her or not. It will depend on the situation. Someone came up with a new game that we are going to play. I'm excited.

"Ri, what you wearing tonight?" I asked. Riley and I are sharing a room which is nice. Our parents and my siblings don't expect anything.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because we should match." I said, slightly laughing.

"Why? We aren't together. People might ask questions."

"It would be cute. We could take a picture." I answered.

"Or nah."

"Why not? Please? Not like weird matching. Like same color or something." I explained.

"Do we each even have something in the same color?" she asked.

"Well, let me see your clothes." I said as I began to go through her suitcase. I was going through her suitcases when I found something that made me die of laughter. I found a dildo under some clothes of Rileys.

"Uh....Ri....why do you have this?" I laughed.

"Where did you find that?!" she exclaimed, her face immediately turning red.

"In your suitcase! Why do you need this? You have me." I giggled.

"You're not always there when I need you." she mumbled.

"I'd be to your house in seconds if you need a fix." I answered, still laughing.

"Whatever. Just put it away before I hit you with it."

"Haha you're funny." I laughed.

"If you really realized where that has been, you would put it away." Riley giggled, enjoying this situation herself.

"Ew ew ew ew ew!" I screamed, throwing the dildo in her suitcase.

"How do you like that?" she giggled.

"I need to boil my hands." I mentioned, running into the bathroom.

"I thought you already found the clothes we were wearing. Why did you continue to go through my stuff? Were you looking for something? Nosy asshole." Riley told me.

"I was just being nosy. Making sure my lady wasn't hiding anything."

"I need to ask you a question about this thing we have going on." Riley mentioned.

"Okay. Ask away."

"What's going to happen when one of us finds a friend of the other gender besides each other?" she asked.

"Um, I don't know. Let me think and I'll let you know." I answered while scrubbing my hands.

"Uh okay. When do we leave for the party?" she questioned.

"Soon. You should probably start getting ready." I responded.

"Are you going to drink tonight?" Riley asked as she was doing her makeup.

"I don't know."

"If you do, we aren't having sex when we get back to the hotel. And, you'll sleep on the floor." Riley explained.

"Well okay then." I retorted.

"I mean it Ross. I won't sleep with a drunk person." she replied.

"Ok mom." I mumbled.

We finished getting ready and met up with everyone to head to the party. Once we arrived at the party, everyone dispersed to go their own separate ways with different people. I stayed with Riley so nothing happened to her. After some partying and dancing, we all got together to play this game. Now this party didn't have a lot of people. Maybe like 20 or so. It was an exclusive party.

"Ok guys. This game is kinda like spin the bottle but more sexual. It's called "7 minutes in heaven." You spin the bottle and whoever it lands on, you go into the bedroom and can do whatever you want with that person for 7 minutes. And trust me, we can hear what you guys are doing. We'll only play until everyone has gone with someone or it gets boring." the person in charge explained.

I really hope Riley doesn't get picked with anyone. I don't want these guys doing anything with her. Just me. I don't like sharing. She's mine. I sound possessive but I don't want her to get hurt. Which made me think about why Riley asked that question earlier. Did she find someone else? Does she not want to play this game anymore?

"Ok, Rocky you spin first." Riker said. Rocky spun the bottle and it landed on some girl I didn't know. I think Rocky had chatted with this girl early because they seemed really friendly. I think he was excited to play this game just to get to maybe fuck her. And, I think that's exactly what they did because the bed was hitting the wall.


"Ross, you're turn." someone said to me. I was really hoping to get Riley. But, I didn't want things to be awkward between everyone. Everyone has gone except for this guy and another girl and of course Riley. I spun the bottle and it landed on Riley. Thank god.

"Oh man. This is gonna be awkward." Ratliff said.

"This is awkward." Riker mentioned.

I got up and grabbed Rileys hand. I pulled her up and we went into the bedroom.

"If we're going to do anything, we have to do it on the floor so they don't expect anything." I explained.

"Or we don't do anything so nothing is found out."

"TIME STARTS NOW!" someone yelled through the door.

"At least take off your shirt." I said to Riley.

"What? No!" Riley exclaimed in a whisper.

"Well this is boring."

"Fine, I'll take off my shirt but don't do anything that will make me moan of shit will hit the fan." Riley said.

I started touching her bare chest and instantly became horny. I couldn't help it. I knew Riley was going to moan but I had to take those chances.


After some more partying, we came back to the hotel. Riley and I both took showers. Separately. We only had one bed in our room tonight so we have to sleep together. And, I didn't have one drink so I win. I also came up with an answer to Riley's question that she asked me earlier.

"Ri, I have an answer to your question that you asked earlier." I told her as she laid on our bed.

"Ok. Tell me." she smiled.

"I don't think we have to worry about each other finding someone else because I can't live without you. I love you Riley."

hello...its me...

happy late 2016!!

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I got this idea from many people so don't claim its your idea. you might of used it but it ain't yours. I don't play like that.

I was totally watching old episodes of Hannah Montana while writing this. #noshame

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love you


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