Chapter 36: "It's a shame you didn't die."

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Kelsey's Point of View:

From the way Justin had spoken to Kayla, I was almost certain she would have left but instead, to my surprise, she stayed.

"I heard what happened to you," She sauntered herself inside the room, her head held up high, a smirk twisting upon her red-smeared lips. "It's a shame you didn't die." She sneered.

I raised my eyebrows in a questioning manner. Who the hell did this bitch think she was?

Justin's face hardened, his body poised in a sharp position. "Fuck off Kayla before I--"

"Before you what?" She spat humorlessly. "Hm?" She cocked her head to the side.

"I kill you." He spat venomously.

I bit my lip at his harsh words knowing that deep down inside, he meant them. I knew first hand that he wasn't afraid to hurt a girl whether it was emotionally or physically--not that he's hit me but he's slammed into me before and it hurt like a bitch.

I expected Kayla to cower away but instead she laughed making Justin lock his jaw tight, his face firm.

"What's so god damn funny?" He hissed.

Smirking, she shook her head. "The fact that you make so many empty promises, it's a shame that you actually think I'll believe them."

"You don't know me." He spat.

"Oh, but I do." She smiled wickedly making my insides twist in an unknowing fashion. "And I know you wouldn't lay a handon me."

This caused Justin to cock a brow up, a smirk of his own twisting on his lips. "Guess again, bitch. For someone who knows me oh so well, you don't know just what I'm truly capable of."

"You seem to forget a lot of things Bieber, I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot just how many times you've threatened me and haven't actually gone through with it."

It was Justin's turn to laugh now. "Of course I didn't. Are you stupid? I needed you for good use. How could I throw that away?" He grinned.

This hit a nerve because instantly Kayla's face dropped and a threatening scowl pulled at her lips. "Rot in hell Bieber."

"I'll meet you there babe." He winked tauntingly.

I couldn't help but frown at the nickname he had called her, my body filling with jealousy.

Kayla merely stared at Justin with disgust. "You're a waste of life."

"And you're a waste of time. Get the fuck out Kayla!"

"Gladly." She spat.

"And don't let the door hit you on the way out!" He chuckled.

Kayla instantly turned back around to us causing me to roll my eyes.

Why couldn't she just fucking end it already? She was beginning to get on my nerves and I barely even knew her.

"One last thing." She put a finger up.

"What?" Justin barked.

"I'm not talking to you." She gave him a once over before looking directly at me. "I'm talking to you're sex toy over here."

My eyes widened.

"Don't call her that." Justin growled.

Kayla however ignored him, taking a step towards me. "Fair warning for future references, he's only using you for one thing and one thing only. He doesn't care about you or how you feel. All he cares about is what's hiding under those clothes." She tisked. "It's a shame he already got to see you half way."

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