Chapter 50: "I almost lost you."

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Kelsey's Point of View:

Two days. It's been two whole freaking days since I've last seen Justin and I guess you can say I've grown impatient.

I mean spending almost every day with him to not being able to see him at all is a big change especially when I'm so used to being near him all the time and feeling his touch.

I'm also craving to feel his lips on mine. Call me crazy but that boy can kiss and make you feel like you're lying on top of a cloud.

My fingers have been itching all day to text him and ask him if he's alright or if they've gotten word on what's going on with the investigation but Justin warned me not to do so because the cops will check his phone if they have to in order to see if he's texted anyone about Parker.

I hated not being able to be there with him every step of the way but I'm glad he kept me safe. The last thing I need right now is for my parents to get involved.

"Miss Jones, is there a reason why you're not paying attention to my lesson?" I snapped my head up to see Mrs. Hendricks's staring through the glasses perched on her nose at me.

I bit my lip, my cheeks probably the color of a tomato. "No Mrs. Hendricks."

"Then I suggest you pay attention and quit daydreaming."

I nodded, watching as she gave me a firm look before turning around and continuing her lesson.

It was currently the last period of the day and I was aching to get out of this chair and head home.

I much rather be up in my room then sitting here listening to Mrs. Hendricks go on and on about how World War II began to be honest.

I bobbed my foot, tapping my fingers endlessly on the top of my desk, counting down each second left until the bell rang.

Carly was able to keep tabs on what was going on and because she was done with all the questions, she was given permission by Justin to let me know.

She texted me the other day when she was released from the police station and let me know about how everything with her went smoothly. She also told me that they had Justin in there as well but from the looks of it, he wasn't in any trouble.

I was thankful for that. I don't know what I'd do if they took him into custody.

My thoughts were cut off once more by this time the final bell rang and immediately I sprang up, grabbing my books and shoving them into my bag before rushing out of the room.

I walked down the hall, shoving past people in order to get to my locker and get the fuck out of here.

I don't understand why people have to stop in the middle of the freaking hallway just to have a conversation. Like, can't they move to the side or something?


I shook my head, finally arriving to my locker. Twisting the dial to each of the three numbers I was given at the beginning of the year, I opened my locker, stuffing things inside before slamming it shut.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I let out a frustrated growl. Why is everyone opposed to me leaving?

Slipping it from my pocket, I dodged a few kids fooling around in the hallways while making my way to the double doors that led outside.

From: Unknown

Come outside.

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion, my stomach churning at the unfamiliarity of the number.

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