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Gray P.O.V.

I opened my eyes, and croaked out, "Mom, Dad? Where are you?"

If I were in heaven,why do I feel like dry ice? God,I feel terrible. "Am I with you?"

"No, but if you do that again, Elsa, i will bring you back to life and kill you. Painfully."


I look at Natsu, my neck killing me. "why didn'tyou let me die?"

"Umm, Duh! You are part of my team, and you make u Fairy Tail's strongest team! Did you even think of the side effects your death would've had on Fairy Tail? Everyone would be devastated. Especially Juvia. Your suicide would lead to other suicides!Use your brain, Numbskull!"

Erza and Lucy came in front of me. They both had tear streaks, and happy was looking out the window, being quiet.

"I...I-I didn't know my death would have an effect like That!"

"Well, you should've thought, Gray!Think before you act!"

Jeez. everybody was upset at this. "Well... I am sorry."
Juvia P.O.V.

The first thing I heard was, "Gray tried to kill himself....."

What? he.... then I had a flash back of what happened in the library.

"Good bye, my love."

"Good bye, my love."

Suddenly, it felt as if the world stopped. I should have known. I broke his heart.

Who cares? He broke your heart. why should it matter if you broke his? A small voice in my head replied.

Yeah.... he did break my heart.... No! Why am I thinking like this?! I fell to the ground, covering my head, my ears, and closing my eyes.

He needs to taste his own medicine, Juvia.

No! Gray.... he already lost his family!

But he refused you. He said,"I can not say the same for-"

Stop! Gray....


I was at war with myself. I tried to take control.


The bad side of Juvia was about to break loose. I screamed, and people ran to me, but I screamed even more.


NO! I can't lose! I fought her too long! I-CAN-NOT-LLLOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEE!


I took over,and I sighed in relief.

I felt myself slide into unconscienceness.(sorry if I spelt it wrong, my spell check isnt working)

Yes.... I finally won.....................................................................................................................................................................
Gramps P.O.V.

I sit on the bar counter. After Juvia's breakdown, I was sure.

"Master? That can't be.... Juvia.... she..." Mira couldn't finish. I turn, and look her in the eyes, putting on a poker face.

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