18: A Trap

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Faith was so, worry about Odin and everyone. She couldn't sleep at night. It was so frustrating not knowing anything about Odin and her friends.

"Faith!" Her mother rushed in. "Shelly and Cory are alright; they arrived at the hospital on their own."

"Ah?!" Faith smile. "I want to see them."

They left home immediately. When they arrived, Shelly was with her parents. Once she saw Faith, she ran over and hugged her.

"They have Odin," she said.

Odin? He did find them, just like he promised. And now he was trapped.

"I'm glad you're okay," Faith said. She didn't want to worry. "And Cory?"

"He's sleeping," Shelly sniffle. "His father bury him six feet underground as punishment."

"Oh," how cruel. How could someone do that to there own child? Faith hugged her.

Later that day, Faith stayed with Shelly at the hospital. Shelly didn't want to leave Cory's side. It turns out; Cory isn't his name. His real name is Darrell. He was reported missing by his mother years ago.

Cory believed his mother had died. But she's still alive.

The authorities have already contacted her. She will be hereafter her ex-husband James is capture. James is the man that's helping Hannah. They know all his because Cory told the police everything. It's a good thing; they won't charge him for anything since his a victim and a missing person. Now Faith needs to worry about Odin. She hopes his alright.

"Odin is very brave," Shelly said after she had taken a shower. The nurse had let her take a shower.

"Yeah," Faith smiled. "I'm just glad you're alright." She hugged her again. "You're my best friend."

"And you're my best friend," Shelly said.

Faith stayed for a bit longer before he had to go home.

"If you need anything, call me," she said.

"Thank you," Shelly smiled. She would've had said bye to Cory, but he was sleeping.

Faith left the room and walked out to her mother, who waited downstairs. As she walked toward the elevator, her phone beep she turned it on; it was a message from an unknown number. Could it be Odin? Maybe he got free. She opens the message.

-I'm free. I escaped from your mother. But I'm badly hurt. They did mess me up a lot. And I got shot too. I need your help, meet me at the park. Please, the one we went to hurry, I feel weak.


Faith just stared at the text as she got in the elevator and pressed the button to go down. She wasn't so sure it was Odin. But what if it was? He could be in serious trouble. But then again, she doesn't know. What should she do? Should she tell her mother? Yes, she will.

As the elevator stopped and the doors open. Faith walked out and straight to her mother and told him everything.

"I'll go with you," he said. "Just in case." Faith nodded.

On the way to the park, he texted her uncle since her father was at home. Faith felt nervous. She felt as if all this was wrong. What if it was a trap? It could be anything.

As they arrived, it was dark, and on top of that. It seemed like it was going to rain. Why does it always have to pour when something is about to happen? It feels like a movie. She'll pray that nothing happens.

"I knew it," someone said her mother hid her behind him. "You had to accompany her, Caleb." Hannah walks out from behind a tree. "I was hoping she would come alone. But I doubt it. You did raise our daughter well."

"Hannah," Caleb kept her behind him. "What do you want? Why don't you turn yourself into the cops? Because you know you'll lose like always."

"I lost last time," Hannah said. "But not this time. Faith, I'm your mother. And his your father. I don't understand why you would call your father, mother. He's not even a female."

"I don't care," Faith said. "He's still my mother. He raised me with my father, Lynn." Faith frowned. "They are good to me. Even if their both males. They are better parents than you."

Hannah seemed to get angry at her. She just paced around. She wonders where James was. He must be hiding somewhere.

"I'll have to teach you what's wrong with that picture," she said. "James!" She knew it. He was hiding.

"Hello," he came from behind, holding a gun. "Now, let's all be quiet and slowly walk to the car." Caleb grips her hand.

"Never," Faith was so, afraid.

"Caleb, you should obey," Hannah said, holding a gun as well. "I will kill you."

They had no choice and obeyed. Faith should've had known this was a trap. How could she be so stupid? She is putting her mother in danger; he could die because of her.

They got into the car, James drove while they sat in the back, Faith huddle close to her mother.

It wasn't long before Hannah and James brought them to an abandoned building. Inside, Odin was tied up and looking bad. She ran to him.

"Odin!" She cried and hugged him. He only groaned.

"My brother will find us," Caleb said.

"Yeah, he will find you, but not us," Hannah haul Faith up, as James tied Caleb next to Odin. "I'll be taking Faith with me."

"No!" Faith struggled. "I don't want to!" She cried. She didn't want to go with them.

"Shut up," Hannah gripped her arm. "You're my daughter! They took you away from me. I didn't get to decide; they choose for me. I wanted to be a mother too!"

"You were insane, and you still are!" Caleb yelled. Hannah hit him with the gun.

"No!" Faith cried.

"It wasn't my fault; they force me to have sex with you, Caleb," Hannah said. "It was your father's fault. But I guess the bastard got killed."

"I don't regret it," Caleb said. "Because if it wasn't for that. I wouldn't have Faith. I don't regret giving her life. She's my daughter, and I love her. I'll fight for her."

"How touching," Hannah laughed. "I regret having her. I never wanted to have kids. But oh well."

"Hannah, we should go," James said. Hannah nodded.

"No!" Faith bit Hannah's hand and ran. At the same time, Odin got free and tackled James down as she heard Hannah yelled.

She kept running and out of the building. She was going to keep running to get help. But she stopped. Faith stopped because she heard shots. She heard many of them.

Faith turned around.

She prays it wasn't her mother or Odin. That's when she remembers her phone. She grabbed it from her pocket and quickly called her uncle.

"Faith, where are you?!" He yelled.

"I'm..in an abandoned building, I don't know the street," she cried. "Uncle, please hurry!" She sob. "I heard.." her words were cut off by someone knocking her down.

Then she heard more shots and her uncle screaming through the phone. But everything was so distant. She felt so sleepy.

Why did she feel sleepy?

Faith stared at the sky.

She tried to stay awake, but it was hopeless.

Everything around her began to spin. Soon the darkness took over.






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