25: Truth

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"I fake my death," Odin said.

"Damn right, he did," Jamie said as he was happily munching on some brownies. "Kick his ass, uncle Lynn. Shame on you, Odin."

"You shut up," Odin glare. "You are not getting away from me, you little brat, we'll talk later."

Jamie hid behind Lynn. Odin sigh and looked around.

It looked so much easier to explain in his head. But now that his in front of them all. It's hard, especially when that Zany guy is to close to Faith. Yes, they are brother and sister, well he is adopted. But still, he looks at her with love. Not brotherly love. He better get away from her.

"Anyways, I faked it," Odin said again. "Before the whole explosion, I manage to shoot James and kill him. I shot Hannah, too, but she got away. At that time, I had called my friend using James' phone. They weren't far from where I was. I had to hide, then the explosion came, and the building came down and caught on fire. My friends dressed up as firefighters and got me out. But they got me out later on the next day. I played dead, which I had to cover my body in ashes from the building. To make it look more real." Odin took a deep breath. "Than I carried out on the stretcher and taken to the hospital where another friend dressed as a doctor. Pretended to digest my body. They did all the paperwork. I was snuck out of the hospital and taken away. I asked them to nail the casket shut to tell you all that my body was unrecognizable. They put bricks inside to make it heavier. And all this time I been looking for my brother Jamie. A bastard tricked him, saying I order him to watch him. I had to get my brother I had to find him, and I did. Even though my brother was stupid to leave the safety of the place, I left him in. And so now, I'll turn myself in. But I'm not giving up my friends."

"Wow," Lynn punched him. He deserves that.

"Lynn," Caleb shook his head.

"I had the right," Lynn said. "Sawyer, what's going to happen to him."

"Well, he will go to jail, for the weapon, avoiding arrest, faking his death, and a few others charges but since he helped Faith last time, and found the wanted man. He may get less. And with good behavior, he'll be out in no time. Once he gets out, he won't be able to leave the state. He will have to wait a few months until he gets out of parole."

"What about the boy?" Faith looked at her brother. He sounded concern about Jamie.

"I want you to get him help," Odin said. "He needs it."

"I do not need help," Jamie pout.

"Shut it, Jamie," Odin said.

"Will do that," Sawyer said. "And he'll be under my care."

"Thank you," Odin sighed. "So now that I said that, can I talk to Faith, alone."

"Sure," Caleb dragged Lynn away, who was protesting. They all went into the living room while they stayed in the kitchen.

"So Faith," Odin smiled. She looked away. "You're angry with me; you have every right to be I lied to you." She didn't say anything. "My brother was in trouble. Couldn't you understand."

"Why didn't you ask my uncle for help?" Faith looked at him with the saddest eyes. He couldn't even look at her. "You just made things worse."

"I wasn't thinking," he said. "I made bad mistakes."

"Yeah, you did," Faith said. She's mad at him.

"Tell me how I can make it up to you?" He asked.

"I don't know," she said and sighed.

"I swear once I get out of jail, I'll go back to school and graduate," he said. "I'll get a job and be the best boyfriend ever."

"I suppose," Faith looked at him. "I'll forgive you."

"I love you," he said and kissed her.

"Hey!!" Lynn yelled. "No kissing!"

"Lynn, hush!" Caleb said.

"Odin," Faith pulled away. "Zany kissed me." He looks back at the Zany guy. He waved at him smiling. "It didn't mean anything, though."

Zany winked at him.

"He's gay," Odin said.

"He's bisexual," Faith said. "But he knows I love you."

That Zany guy will be a problem and those hair clips. He's such a strange boy.

"But still, it's like he is willing to fight for you," Odin said.

"Don't be jealous," Faith smiled.

"Fine," Odin mumble

"Odin let's go," Mr. Greg said. Odin sighed. "Jamie, you'll be staying here."

"Fine," Jamie nodded. "Such a pain. But there's no helping it." He sat down. He will be just fine.

Odin kissed Faith one more time before he was led out.

"Take care," Faith said.

"I will," Odin smiled and glared at Zany.

Zany wrapped an arm around Faith. Odin just gave him the middle finger.

He got in the back of the car. Mr. Greg didn't cuff him since he wouldn't run. The ride to the prison was long. They stopped for bathroom breaks and food. He was allowed to use the phone to check on Jamie. He was doing alright.

After two long days, they arrived at the prison. There, two police waited for Odin.

"No need to cuff him," Mr. Greg said. "He will obey you, right, Odin." He nodded.

"But if you want to cuff me go ahead," he said. The two officers just let him in. Mr. Greg follows behind.

He got signed in and examined him, asks him questions, and they took his fingerprints. He was now in the system what a bumper.

"What's this scar from?" The nurse asked.

"From a bullet," Odin said. "I took it out myself with the help of a friend." She touched around the bullet. "It got infected, and I had a fever for three days. But I made it."

"You're lucky," the nurse said. "You have many scars on your back."

"Yeah," he sighed. "They're from past beatings from my grandfather, who passed away."

"I see," the nurse smiled. "Well, you seemed to be healthy."

"Thank you," he stood up and was taken to a nearby room where he changed into an ugly ass, orange suit.

He changed and was put in a cell, alone. He made his bed and lay down. And here is where he'll be spending his time. For who knows how long. Since he still has his court date.

"Hey," Mr. Greg dropped by to see him. "Here, don't think you'll just lazy around." Through the food box, he placed some books, notebooks, and some other school supplies. "The guards will keep an eye on you."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid," Odin said.

Great homework. Well, at least this way, he'll stay out of trouble.

"Government," yuck. "I hate it."

He'll have to deal with it.


Odin is in jail.





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