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Three fast raps on my house's front door jolted me up from my comfy position on our couch. And as much as I abhor the idea of being separated from the sweet confines of our leather seat, I had to sacrifice. "Hold on a sec!"

Grunting, I slipped on my green fluffy slippers and walked (more like, dragged myself) towards the door. My eyes widened when I saw Cassidy standing by my doorstep. Her golden-blonde hair was in a messy ponytail, and it looked like she ran her fingers through it, quite a few times. She was in her favorite Nike blue sweats and a loose statement white-tee.

Her hand was held up high in front of my face, a plastic bag with a tub of Ben & Jerry's inside, dangling from it. "Got you your favorite."

With my personality, that was anything but polite, it couldv'e been easy for me to slam the door at her face. But, I was actually pretty surprised with myself, when I opened the door wider for her to get in.

I threw Cassidy a small smile, which she returned with a much bigger one of her own. "Hand me the bag," I told her, pointing to the mouth-watering delicacy that was inside.

With a playful roll of her eyes, she thrusted the bag towards me, and I greedily snatched it from her grasp. And just like that, we were back to being okay again.

I ran towards the kitchen to grab a spoon. Taking one from the top drawer, I ran back to the living room and plopped myself down the couch - right next to Cass.

"I'm sorry," she softly mumbled to me,  bumping her shoulder against mine. Her voice was a little hesitant and nervous at the same time. Even guilt was sprayed onto her tone. I gave her a hard glare when the ice cream in my spoon almost spilled out.

"Your sorry could've been really heart warming, if you didn't just bump my shoulder. My ice cream could've spilled and landed on the floor." Scooting further away from Cassidy, I pushed my body toward the edge of the couch.

"Aw c'mon, Phoebe. Really?"

I smirked. "Really."

She threw me a small smile. The one, that lingers on your lips, but was too small for random people to notice. It was the smile that showed, how we both knew that we were okay again. No tears or explanations needed... just a cold tub of Ben & Jerry's and true friendship.


I hummed the lyrics to the rock song that was playing on my earphones, closing my eyes as I felt moisture at the tip of my nose. The weather was a little more unpredictable lately. Last night, it was very humid, but when it reached dawn the clouds started to produce fat drops of water - the very exact reason why my favorite bench was damp today. Yet, I sat on it still.

It wasn't raining anymore, just a few drizzle from time to time. It was completely bearable though, I wouldn't have the courage to sit out on it, on an early morning if it wasn't.

I watched the people around me - mostly students passing by the hallways on the way to their lockers, and wondered where were you. It had been a week since the last time I saw you. You and Ruby The Nerd had a break out. It was quite hilarious, I'd say.

That day, everyone held their breaths as Ruby The Nerd slapped you with a rectangular pizza. The horror, I knew. I mean, of all things she could slap your face with, why on earth would she slap you with a rectangular pizza at lunch? It was a rectangle! And it was a pizza! It could've been a lot less intimidating if it was the ol' triangle ones.

There wasn't even a sound of breath to be heard when the red sauce slowly ran down your cheek. Your eyes were shut tight, while everybody else's was wide open in shock. Apparently Ruby The Red Headed Nerd slapped Jason The Golden Hot Jock with a rectangular pizza, was really shocking. I'd admit it though, it was a little shocking, with you guys sucking faces all the time.

Oh well.

While I was mentally applauding Ruby for her weapon of choice, Gary, on the other hand was fuming beside me. He was chewing at the ends of his Hermes scarf that was wrapped around his neck. "That bitch! My poor Jason. Now, his shirt's ruined."

Cassidy let out a small chuckle. "The pizza though, was really a statement."

I laughed. "Couldn't agree less, Babe."

"Uglies! Look, look, Jason's standing up!" Gary screeched, shoving me by my shoulder.

Indeed, you were on your feet. Your body was tense and your jaw clenched. There was fire dancing in your eyes and it was directed at the girl with shaking lips, in front of you. Ruby looked like she was about to lose it all, it looked like she could no longer hold the tears in. But, she tilted her chin higher and gave you a challenging look, even with shaking lips and teary eyes.

"I told you not make a scene," you gritted out the words slowly. Man, you sure did sound like a predator.

"I don't care! I will make a scene if I want to! You don't own me, you bastard. You... you... you! You're horrible!"

Ruby slammed her fists against your chest, and you let her. You let her humiliate you. You let her hurt you. The cheerleaders were already cursing her for hitting you, but you sent them a warning look, making them stop.

"O.M.G," Cassidy giggled next to me and I elbowed her. Good thing she did shut up.

"Ruby, we're over. Stop it already. You're only hurting yourself." That was your reply. Those were the only words you said compared to the dictionary of profanities that Ruby The Nerd spitted out. But it did stung, oh it sure did, rendered us all speechless.

Even the cafeteria staff stopped and stared.

Her eyes widened, her mouth agape. And she hastily wiped the tears away from her face. "I-I... I hate you Jason..." with those words, she fled away from the scene. She was running so fast that she tripped and fell. Her body fell onto the cold hard floor in a loud thud and a lot of people let out a startled gasp. Some laughed and chuckled. I almost stood to help her up. You? You, Jason, you just looked at her, then back at your lunch. As if nothing happened at all.

A couple of kids who were sitting at the table near where she fell, helped her up. But, she pushed them away. Out of embarrassment or resentment, I didn't know. All I knew was that Ruby The Nerd ran away from the school's cafeteria. Away from all the people. Away from that one person who asked for another chance. Away from that person who just stared. Away from you.

I snorted upon remembering the events that transpired last week. It was already a century old, if we'd consider Gossip Clock. But, I still can't help but chuckle every time I recall how amusing it was to break up with a rectangular pizza. The rumors could've already died down,  that's until of course, you finally decided to grace us with your presence after a week of being AWOL.

My brows raised when I saw you strolling by the hallway. You had the green Jansport slung by your shoulder again, this time though, instead of smiling at Ruby the Nerd who was at the corner, you sauntered towards me.

Plopping down next to my bag, on my wooden bench beside that old oak tree, you sent me that sultry grin. Despite knowing the fact that eveybody else, including Ruby was watching us.

And that moment, I learned that you weren't that perfect after all. You weren't gold. You were fire, and I was bound to get burnt. But somehow, it intrigued me a whole lot more.


Can I please say wohoo for my favorite chapter? Yeah? Okay, wohoo!

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