• Chapter Twenty Six •

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^^ That kills me ^^

"Shhh! Listen." I whisper yell at Luke, Ashton, and Calum. We currently have our ears pressed up against the door, listening to what Michael and Jocelyn are talking about. They really hit it off after both of their shyness wore off. They went on a couple rides together, and they even hugged each other for a group photo. It was adorable.

"So, do you want to go to a movie with me sometime?" I hear Michael ask. We all do a small happy dance for our friend before returning to our positions against the front of my door.

"I would love to." She responds, I could tell Michael was probably smiling so hard right now. Kitten is growing up so fast.

"I'll call or text you later then." Michael says, I take this as our cue to run away and pretend we heard nothing. The boys ran to the living room, I ran up to my room. When I saw Jocelyn begin to leave I called to her out the window.

"Woohoo! Team Miklyn!" I yell, she turns around and cheers back, giving me a thumbs up and then laughing to herself. I laugh back and then close my window.

"What a fantastic freakin day." I say awkwardly to myself, sitting in my little computer chair and beginning to spin around in it. What am I doing with my life, dear god.

"Having fun?" I hear a voice from behind me. I turn and find Ashton there. "Tons." I say, stopping myself once I am facing him. He laughs and then goes and sits on my bed.

"I need to... Tell you something." Ashton says shyly. It must be really important if he's this squirmish about it. I haven't seen him this nervous since he was in grade 11 with my brother and had to ask a girl out on a date.


"Well, umm.." He begins, scratching the back of his neck and turning bright red. "I'm gay." He says. "I mean, I am bisexual, but I prefer men." He admits, looking right into my eyes. "Cool." I say simply, I have nothing against gay people, straight people, trans people. Nobody. I don't judge.

"You aren't mad?" He asks, wiping a tear that had fallen across his face. "Why would I be mad? You're my brother Ashton, maybe not by blood but I still love you." I say, walking up to him and giving him a hug. "Besides, I'm bisexual as well, so is Michael." I say. Michael had only told me, mainly because I was the one that he trusted the most, because I admitted to being bi as well. I don't know if I was supposed to tell anyone, but I figure that he won't mind.

Ashton looks up at me and smiles, "That was easier than I thought it would be." he says. "Thank you." he says. I pat his shoulder and walk with him down the stairs.

"So are you guys staying the night or are you going home?" I ask the boys who are currently wrestling on my living room floor. They get off of each other and dust off their clothes, Calum is the first to respond.

"I'm staying here, my mom is a little mad at me for skipping the other day, I want to give her some time to cool off." Calum says, walking past me and into the kitchen. That reminds me, I need to go grocery shopping, the boys have eaten most of my food.

"I'm going to head home, i have work in the morning." Ashton says, giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek and sliding on his work boots. "See you guys later." We all say our goodbyes and then go to the living room.

"So, I guess you are staying here as well." i say to Michael, he nods and stuffs more of the chips that Calum brought over into his mouth.

"We have school tomorrow so expect to be getting up early, no fussing." I say sternly, popping a chip in my mouth. I walk up the stairs and put on my pyjamas, Luke walks in shortly after, repeating the same process.

"What did you think of today babe?" I ask after both of us are finished.

"It was fun, thank you." He says quietly. I can tell he is still upset over the text he received.

"Babe, its okay to be upset about your brothers moving back, but they aren't here yet. Why not just enjoy your time?"

"But they are moving back Paisley. After all these years they think its just okay to move back. They left me all alone when I was fourteen. How am I supposed to feel?" He asks, laying down on my bed and tugging at his hair, a habit I've learned that he has favoured.

"You can feel however you need to feel babe. You don't even need to think of them, you don't need to see them either. If they move back, so what? They aren't moving in with you, so you can choose not to see them ever again if you really don't want to." I explain, joining him on the bed and grabbing his hands before he yanks out any more hair.

"You don't understand though... I do want to see them. I haven't seen any of my family since I was fourteen and no matter how much I try and convince myself that I don't, I miss them Paisley. Even if they don't miss me." He explains. I nod my head. When is this poor boy ever going to catch a break?

"So you want to see them?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I'm too scared to text or call them." He says.

"You'll see them soon babe, I know you will." I say.



"I'm going to the bathroom babe." I whisper to Luke as i untangle myself from him and get off of the couch. He merely shrugs and continues to watch the movie 'I Am Legend'. I walk to the bathroom and pull my phone out from my pocket. I go to my messages and search for the name.

To: Jack Hemmings



I hope you guys are ready for some drama llama.

I will be answering the Qs & As in future chapters just so you know.


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