why didn't i save them?????!!!!

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A  girl with red eyes  was running in the streets happy everyone was looking at her whispering "why is the monster always happy shes should just die it would make us happy " she's ignored the whispered and ran home shes saw blood coming from her house " Mommy what's wrong is sister hurt again? she's should really start to take care about f her------ " the girl open the door to see her parent stabbing her sister and brother the girl couldn't move she stood there doing another until her left eye turned purple and shes blacked out but not before hearing her parents voice " you deserved this you made us do this we hated you we always wanted you to die so live miserable  we hate you " the girl was blacked out the only thing left was those words in her head over and over again when shes woke up she's was still there shes got up and looked at her clothes filled with dried up blood she's looked at the mirror and saw her eyes were different colors her right ey was red and the other one witch is the left one was purple shes remembered that her family is dead besides her parent  "haku  " and "zabuza momochi" she's then become an avenger when shes was walking in the forest shes found an eye patch she's covered her left eye and spotted a gate with a leaf on it It wad the last thing until she's blacked out.

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