We finally arrived in Miami and I was so excited ...we have been here for two days now in your new house and its been amazing so far. My dad is leaving today and me and Laily have to go check in with our collage and then we are free for the whole day so we decided to take the girls to the beach for there first time. We got baby sitter here and they are really good and its a really big daycare so the girls can have a lot of space to play.
Laaaailyy!!!! I yelled. "What" she yelled back at me running downstairs to get me. "Look Aubree is crawling!!!!" I said back to here smiling. "AWWW!! good job Aubree! your such a big girl! Laily said while picking up Aubree. "hey are you ready to go to the beach?" I asked Laily while see was helping me put the girls in there carseat. Yeah lets go. she said opening the door. we drove down to the beach and I got Aubree out while Laily grabbed Alyssa we carried them down to the sand and set there carseats down on a little blanket. "Wanna get out and play in the water Baby girl?" I said to Aubree while taking her out of her carseat. " Hey im going to take Aubree down to the water ill be right back ." I said to Lily while walking off. we got down to the water and this guy came up to me. he was about 6;1 and had short brown hair and he had light blue eyes. He was pretty cute. "Hey Beautiful" he Said walking up to me. " Oh..hey!" I said back. " Haha my name is Jaden , but you can call me Jade," he said. " Jade... I like that , and my name is summer,and this is my daughter Aubree!". " so how old are you summer?" he asked, "im 18. I said. and you?" I added. " im 20... but hey, me and my friends are throwing a party tonight at my place, it be really cool if you could come and be my date and we could really get to know each other. " he said. " yeah that would be really fun.. me and my friend could come." I said " cool..ill pick you guys up at your place ..around 9?" he said. "yeah that would be cool ..see you then!" I said walking off. "bye beautiful!" he said. I ran up there to Laily and told her that we both got dates and that we are going to a party tonight I looked at the clock and it said 7:30 so we decided to leave. when we got in the car I called the baby sitters and told them to meet me at the house in 30 minutes. they came by and I got the girls stuff together and told them when to feed the girls and where to give them a bath and put them to sleep. when they were good I went upstairs and got ready. I put on some short shorts and some sandals and a crop top that show off my belly piercing. I curled my long brown hair and put on some make up. as soon has I was done. I went to go see Laily. she was wearing ripped skinny jeans and a crop top and some heals. lookin hot. I said to her and we both started laughing. the door bell rang and we both ran down stairs. I opened the door and saw jade and gave him a kiss and let him and his friend in . his friends was Laily's date and he was pretty cute also but I have to admit Jade was way hotter. I walked over to the babysitter and told them we were leaving. she said ok and we walked out. " I didn't know you had twins." jade said. " yup twin girls!" I told him " what's the others name?" he asked. " Alyssa. " I said. " aww Aubree and Alyssa!" he said. The sure are as cute as there Momma! " he assed and winked. "aww thanks he said. the drive was pretty short and when we arrived we pulled up to this really big house. "Wow this is huge this is your place?" I asked. "yup. he said mine and my roommates." he told me. I turned around to see Laily and jades friend in the back seat all tangled up and making out. Me and jade just left them and walked inside. his house was really huge. we danced all night and me and jade kept on drinking and having fun when slow dances would come on Jade would dance with me. " im getting really tired and I can barley walk." I said to jade. " wanna go up to my room?" he ask. we walked up stairs and went to his room. when we got in there Jade hugged me and kissed me. He took my shirt off and he put one of his shirts on my and I took my shorts off so I was only wearing his shirt. I got in his bed and as soon as I layed down there it went. I just through up all over jades bed. :im so sorry jade..it was all that alcohol!" I said getting up. " its ok baby. he said he took his bedding off and put more on. he went down stairs and got me a glass of water. i got up and went to go find Laily. I walked into the room next to jade's and there see was asleep on the bed with jade's friend. I went back to jades room and crawled in bed with him. "goodnight beautiful" he said. "goodnight." I said. and we went to sleep.
Okay guys im so sorry for not updating Lately...give me feed back on my books. and GOOOOO FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAAAM!!!! follow me @ayeeee_its_aim please go follow me and Comment the word "like" on my picture and i will go follow you back!!
teen mom
Fanfica twin named summer finds out she is expecting a baby when she is only 16 in high school! she moves in with her boyfriend to start a teenage family