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NOTE: hello readers, i love you especailly if you've made it this far, hope you're enjoying the story. this is about the cast of charectors i set. i couldnt really find celebs that fit the image of Marie-Anne and Jack, if you know a celeb or just person that better fits the description feel free to leave their name in the comments, and the person they're attatched to. oh yeah this is for all the charectors. be creative for jack, sean and every other person i havent described!!!!!!


It had been a week since Marie-Anne had stripped for me, and I had wimped out. It was late nearly ten. It had been a difficult day a t kid kingdom, it seemed every kid I encountered was set out to lower my self esteem and temporarily cripple me. To top it off I was nearly fired because one of the kids decided it would be funny to tell their parent that I had beaten them. I sat on my bed, rubbing my face and trying to gather my thoughts. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to remember something. I looked around my room, and my eyes fell on my binoculars.

I quickly got up and peaked out of my window, again her curtains were drawn. I picked up my binoculars. This time it seemed she had been waiting for me, she was sitting casually beside the window, listening to what seemed to be a walk man.  Without thinking I lifted my blinds up until my window like hers was completely exposed. Once I realized what I had done I tried pulling it down again, but it was too late she had noticed. Her face lit up when she saw me. She held out a finger to me in the wait a minute sign. I fidgeted nervously in my seat as I watched her bend over and pick up something.

“Hi.” I read aloud. She had lifted a piece of paper with the greeting written on them in bubbly letters. She dotted her ‘I’ with a heart.

I waved in reply.

She lifted another paper

“Your names Jack. Right?” I was a little surprised by this; I didn’t expect her to know my name. I nodded.

“Open your window.” Her next sign read. I did. The next instant she had thrown a can towards me connected by string. On the other end there was another can, for her.

She spoke into it.

“My names Marie-Anne, but you knew that right?” she said. Her voice was sweet and soft, not like I had imagined it but still nice. It was high and if it were a colour it would have been pink.

“yeah.” I replied blushing.

“I know you’ve been watching me.” She said casually, as if it were nothing.

I began blushing madly.

“I-I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to I was just-“I tried to explain but she cut me off.

“I didn’t mind.” She replied. I looked at her surprised. I watched as she giggled softly.

“Actually, I liked it.” She added.

I wanted to say something smart and clever, something funny but nothing came to mind, I simply sat there smiling like an idiot.

“Do you like me?” she asked innocently. Her blue eyes widened with curiosity, all I could imagine was Bamby.

“Y-yes.”I stuttered, as I wondered whether or not I was dreaming.

She smiled sweetly at me, the complete opposite of the girl who had danced for me just a week ago.

“I like you to.” She whispered as she giggled into the can, I nearly sighed, was this actually happening to me, I thought.

“Yes “she replied.

I blushed madly again I had been thinking aloud.

“You’re cute when you blush.” She said batting her lashes at me.

“How old are you?” she asked casually.

Shit, I thought this was a problem, what if she was older than me, did girls dig younger guys.

“sixteen.” I replied truthfully.

“Oh” she replied.

“I’m eighteen.” She added.

Dammit I thought, mentally slapping myself for being such an idiot.

“I like younger guys.” She said simply and like that it seemed my whole life had changed. Finally the girl I liked had liked me back. And to add to that she was a total babe and 2 years older than me. She was a woman.

“Do you wanna go out?”I asked shyly. She frowned slightly,

“No” she responded apologetically. " I cant really be seen dating someone younger than me, you know how people talk.” She explained her voice even sweeter than before.


“Don’t be upset alright?”


“We can talk every other night.”

“I’d like that.”I tried to reply coolly like I had seen guys in movies do, but it didn’t work the excitement echoed in my voice.

I couldn’t believe what had just happened. After another several minutes she whispered goodbye and blew me a kiss. I caught it and held it to my chest long after she had closed her curtains. I tried to rack my thoughts together but my mind was simply too scattered.

“She likes me.” I whispered out loud, almost not believing what I had said. I said it again louder

“She likes me.”

“She likes me.”

“She likes me.” Now I was nearly yelling. I could feel myself going giddy as I said it.  I stood up and stripped down to my underwear so that I could sleep, but as I stood there in nothing but a pair of tighty wightys I was over whelmed with the desire to dance.

I stood there wiggling my hips, singing tunelessly

“Whose got Marie-Anne oh yeah me, the sexy beast.” I clawed at the air and winked seductively at the window which was now closed. I attempted the moon walk and simply wiggled my arms and my behind to a nonexistent beat. Finally I finished my performance performing several animated hip thrust then finally falling into bed.

“Thank you lord.”I murmured as I pulled up my covers and tried to fall asleep.

“Thank you mom and dad.” I whispered again into my pillow.

“For making me so damn irresistible.” With that I laughed and settled into my bed to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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