The Library Way

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*******this is a COMPLETE short story* enjoy :) *********


▲TH E L I B R A R Y W A Y▼


I hate libraries.

It's a an unnecessary building that stores unwanted objects along with uninteresting people.

I mean it's a goddamn library.

Fortunately, it seems as if the universe was bored and decided to meddle with my nearly perfect life through a very effective medium.

My mother.

"I really don't get why this is necessary mom."

Hiding a scowl, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket to check the time. I frowned, remembering that the boys were about to start the game without me there.

"Oh stop, you know why," she reprimanded, her blonde hair bouncing around.

She hushed me as we entered through the automatic doors of none other than the devil's nest itself- Riverway's local library. If you suddenly decided that you wanted to go to a place where depression was physically roaming through the air spreading the rotten smell of damp paper, then Riverway Library would satisfy your whacked out needs.

"You know Russell, one day you'll look back and appreciate the fact that I push you to do things you may not want to do. Many boys this day and age rarely have the motivation to volunteer at any place. Dear lord knows why." She muttered at the end.

This time I really scowled.

Maybe because it's the last thing any person in their right mind would do.

We approached the "front desk" , which was honestly more like a shabby rental table which had a couple pamphlets about the benefits of reading. Probably to cover up the dirt and grime that was slowly building up. Unfortunately, nothing can cover up the god awful stench that genuinely takes years to accumulate.

God I hate libraries.

And reading.

I shot a dirty look to the nearest pamphlet in sight.

Read Read Read! Books and their Benefits!

Especially reading.

"Oh! Wow! Is this Mr. Russell here? How exciting! You know we never get volunteers..."

I looked up to see some middle aged woman who was expertly shuffling through papers while being able to stare me down. It was like she was analyzing my soul to see if I was physically and mentally fit to take down the job of shelving cheap books. Her eyes were rung around with a charcoal looking substance, while she shook her head as if too approve, though her beehive nearly toppled over in the process.

I held in a snicker.

"Yep, he's been waiting all week for this moment."

Patting my back, my mom laughed and made small talk to distract the lady from my oncoming grimace.

I rolled my eyes.

I think she can sense how much I despise being here right now, no need to act mom.

As if my mom could read my mind, she discreetly smacked my arm and basically handed me over to the woman- who I now know is 'Sharon' from her name tag.

"Well, I've gotta get going, I have a bunch of errands to do and it's just so much work!"

Sheron's shoulders shook with laughter.

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