The girl in the bathroom

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Okay so this happened when I was VERY little.
"MUM THERE IS A SPIDER IN THE BATHROOM" I yelled out to my mother
"ugh it's just a spider. Get something and kill it"
*mum kills spider*
"Happy now?"
I do my business in the bathroom when I noticed something in the mirror. Something that wasn't on the other side, it looked like someone brushing their hair (remember my bathroom was lit up so I could see everything) I looked the opposite side and saw nothing. I looked back again and that "thing" was staring straight at me but I couldn't move. I yelled out my mum and when she came the "thing" disappeared. I thought it was something of my imagination so I didn't tell her. But this continued and my brother also saw it. My mum didn't believe kids but then even she saw that thing and the only person who didn't see it was my dad. Mainly because he worked till really late at night and that thing only could be seen in the afternoon. My dad was not amused with our "joking around" and said it was horrible lying but then when my mum went to do her business the thing yelled and a hand was coming out of the OTHER SIDE of the mirror. She immediately ran out and was smart enough to take a picture and show it to my dad. But he thought we really wanted to fool him. Until one day when it tried to come out while my dad was shaving. (That day he didn't have work). And now you know why I moved out of my Old old home

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