DeAngelo Bailey

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        Marshall and Debbie found a new place to live. There was no signs of Fred whatsoever. After they found place Debbie enrolled Marshall (age 9) at Dort Elementary school. A tiny white kid in a mostly all black school in Roseville. His worst bully was DeAngelo Bailey. Marshall didn't tell his mother the boys name at first, but that would be something I'm sure he would regret.

        One time Marshall came home in tears with a bruised noise and a busted lip. Marshall wouldn't tell his mother who did it. Of course Mrs. Mathers called the school to complain, but that didn't help. Maybe it would of stopped there if Marshall would have told the name of this person. Because of this the beatings would just get worse.

        About a month later Marshall came home and said he had beaten up by the same kid. He still wouldn't say the name of the boy. Marshall started having a lot of bad nightmares. He would wake up screaming that the "big boy" was beating him. Marshall kept trying to get out of school, because of DeAngelo Bailey. He would stay stuff like he was sick or that his leg hurt too bad for him to go.

        A few days before Christmas, Marshall came home crying again. This time he was beaten up really bad. Marshall had cuts and scratches all over. With no name, the school still would not do anything about it. Marshall kept using the bullying to get days off of school. It worked.

        On January 13th Marshall didn't come out of the school for his mom to pick him up. Two kids told her that he was in the bathroom. When Debbie arrived at the bathroom she found Marshall lying in a pool of blood. Debbie rushed Marshall to the hospital as quickly as she could.

        Marshall spent four days in the hospital, in and out of consciousness. Debbie claims that she never left his side, except to go to the chapel and pray. Marshall's vision came and went. He now had even worst nightmares. In the middle of the night he would wake up screaming. But that was the least of troubles that would come out of the beating.

        Marshall saw twenty-one doctors within four days. Marshall suffered from cerebral concussion, post-concussion syndrome, and acute post-traumatic stress syndrome. Also, his vision was damaged. Doctors had more bad news to come. Marshall had suffered a slight cerebral hemorrhage. "There's no hope," one doctor said. "He'll never be the same."

        Debbie refused to listen to the doctors, and took Marshall home. At first Marshall was like an "infant." Debbie had to reteach Marshall simple things. He was on medication to prevent seizures and keeping his nose and ears from bleeding. Fred also was completely gone now because he didn't want to be around the "drama." Besides Debbie's life was now focused on getting Marshall better. If that was possible.

        Debbie couldn't work because of Marshall. They were forced to go on welfare. Debbie finally found out DeAngelo Bailey's name from his friends. Slowly, Marshall finally told his mom what had happened. Marshall had said that DeAngelo Bailey had threw a chunk of ice at Marshall in the back of the head. He had cracked his head as he hit the ground.

        Of course, Debbie consulted a lawyer and filed for affidavit. Eventually the case was thrown out of court. In 1999 on The Slim Shady LP, Marshall got his own revenge in the song "Brain Damage." Bailey tired to sue Marshall for a million dollars claiming his privacy was invaded. Also claiming Marshall's slurs had harmed his potential career as a rap star. That was just horrible.

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