The Deal: Angel

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I pull the sheets slowly off my head and let the morning air soak in. The light shines in my eyes and I roll over to look at my clock. Twenty minutes before my alarm! New record! I love waking up in the morning! Except, or course,  when I don't have school, those are to boring for words!
I throw my  blanket on the floor and pop up.
"MORRRRNNNNINNNG!" I shout in normal routine and my maid, Cheri, runs in holding my school clothes. She smiles and says,
"Morning to you Ms."
She looks me up and down and her smile turns to a frown, "Rough night again Ms?" She waddles over and puts my clothes in my hand. I love Cheri, but she notices things to easily. I've been having rough sleep for the past couple nights but there's no reason for Cheri to know that as a fact so I keep denying it, "Are you implying I look ugly?" I gasp over dramatically and jump onto the cold wood floor.
"No. Of course not Ms. You are beautiful! Even when you sneeze you look like a goddess." She says with a laughing smile. I smile back at her and run out the room with clothes in hand leaving the door slamming behind me. I always have bottles of energy when I wake up! I'm just too excited for the new day!
"Whats for breakfast this morning Ms!?!?" Cheri calls while lightly closing the door. I stop and look back at her.
"How about..." I mumble poking my stomach.
"Eggs Benedict with milk tea?" She guesses.
"Yes, please! I'll be at the table in a bit! Tell the chefs they better make it quick! I'll be out in record time!" I shout. As I begin to run again; I feel myself ready to stumble but I catch my self.
"Be careful Ms!" Cheri shouts worriedly.
"I'm good!"
I run into the great bathroom (I say great because it is great!) I change into my school clothes and look at myself in the mirror. I wonder what public school kids wear. I tie a white bow around my ponytail holder and look at myself in the mirror again. Did I do that project? Dang it! I'm always doing that. I pick up my PJS and run out the door where Cheri is waiting. I toss her my clothes and she walks away.
"Breakfast time!!!" I cheer, "I'm so hungry!"
I run into the dinning room and sit at the end of a eight-chair rectangular table. The seats are velvet red and the wood is dark oak. The whole rooms is filled with different reds lining the walls and the vases on the table. The room gives off such a prestigious aura it's not surprising my friends feel like that should be stick people when they come over for dinner.
I hear the eight foot door creek open and slam closed. Dads here. I turn around in my chair to see a tall slender man with short combed back dark black hair. He is quite handsome for his age, he doesn't look a day over thirty-five. He adjusts his suit and makes eye-contact with me. He smiles, "Good morning, Angel."
He gradually makes his way over to the table eyeing my food with a hungry expression.
" That Eggs Benedict looks marvelous! The chefs are getting better with presentation. Cheri!" He calls. Suddenly the door opens and Cheri waddles in with a smile.
"Yes, sir?"
"Please tell the chefs I congratulate them on their improvements and if they keep this up I think they'll be deserving of a raise" he says as he sits down in his chair eye balling his oatmeal.
"Yes, sir! They'll be very happy to hear that, sir." She says scrambling out of the room. He lets out a little chuckle and takes a bite of his brown goop.
"So good!" He looks at me and smiles, "We are really lucky Angel!"
I laugh back at him and take a bite of my Eggs Benedict. The egg is poached to a key and the sauce is on point.
"You wanted to talk to me about something Father?" I ask looking at him curiously.
"Oh yes," he wipes his mouth, "I think it's time you get married."
"Yes, I think you're old enough"
My heart drops. The word quickly begins to echo in my ear, married?
I manage to stutter out a few words despite how cold the room became, "To...whom?"
I set down my fork and take a deep breath ready for his answer.
"Jace McCain, the son of Sawyer McCain. You remember him right? You guys where friends." He smiles at me as if hoping we don't get into an argument.
"Yeah but that doesn't mean I want to marry him!" I say trying to with hold my tone.
"He is a very nice man and he apparently really likes you."
"I'm flattered but, I'll pass." I take one last bit of my food and a sip of my milk tea and stand up.
"Wait, Angel." He calls calmly.
"I'm only seventeen. I can't get married. It would be different if I actually liked the guy. All my life I've been imagining I'll marry someone I love." I sigh setting the napkin neatly on the table, "I guess that was stupid of me."
"Is there someone like that?" He asks not expecting an answer, "Someone you've fallen for?" he knows I've never had a boyfriend. But I try to dig deep to try and think of someone give liked. It's not that I'm picky it's just every guy I've met hasn't liked me. I start to get discouraged but, a brilliant idea pops into my head.
"A year!" I shout.
"What, dear?"
"Give me one year to find my someone I can love and if I can't then I'll marry Jace McCain with an open heart." I say sitting back down on the table as if I'm about to finish a business deal. He looks down at his bowl and back up at me a couple times then says,
"Ok, deal. I want you to be happy and if this is the best way then, one year." He stands up about to leave.
"Love you, dad. See you after school!" I call so excited I feel like I'm about to explode. Now that I have a time limit its so much more of a rush! How exciting!
"See you, Angel." He smiles and closes the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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