The concert

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I walked into the massive o2 arena bursting out with fans excitedly as they all wait impatiently for the world's biggest band 4actions to take the stage, I was accompanied by my 22 year old older sister poppy as at the age of 15 my mum wouldn't let me go on my own so as we both are crazy 4action fans I didn't mind being with her though. We got our tickets and found our seats I was jumping up and down so much it was like I had drunk about 10 cans of coke 😂, then suddenly everyone went quiet ( well, for about one second until all the fans started screaming they're voices out ) they took the stage and started singing my absolute favorite song, beautiful mind, I was jumping up and down shouting along to the lyrics alongside poppy. The night carried on with me and all the fans sharing our one love together, seeing 4actions live on stage singing the best songs ever!! Eventually it finished :( and all the fans piled out of the arena hurrying along to catch the train I had basically lost my voice and was in need of a good nights sleep, we finally reached our house and threw our shoes off and sleepily got into bed.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed my story, it might not be the best as this is my first one but as I right more chapters / stories I'm sure it will improve, please follow me as that would be great ( I made up 4actions by the way also everything I say about them In chapters to come will be made up ) xx

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