Where did you go?

198 4 13

Wake up, go to school,go home,maybe eat,go to sleep

That was my life. That's all I did. No friends well except for hide but he is always off some where he doesn't tell me where but it all started when kaneki left. I'm really worried about kaneki but hide just keeps saying "he's fine". You don't understand how frustrating that can be sometimes. There are so many questions that he just won't answer but yesterday we had a fight.

It didn't really end well,  I mean it was pretty bad considering all I did was scream and cry at him. All I remember is me yelling over and over at him "do you know where kaneki is" ..... He wouldn't answer. HE WOULDN'T SAY ANYTHING HE WAS JUST QUIET. Silent. Anyway today I'm just gonna not think about it if they are both hiding stuff from me now that's just FUCKI-
"|FN| come down stares for breakfast it's on the table" ok I'm getting too carried away if it was that serious they would tell me ....I hope.
"Coming mom!" Need food now I feel like I haven't eaten in days. When I got down stairs pancakes were set on the table for me with a jar of Nutella next to it. I eat it up quickly and tell mom I'm going for a walk but before I leave I caught a glimpse of the news it said something about those ghouls again. I don't really know much about them I try to stay away from it because it will just freak me out but I do wonder what it's like to be one I mean-

My thoughts were cut off by the phone ringing, It was just one of moms friends  so I decided to leave quickly before I heard any of there weird mother gossip (you don't wanna know some of stuff I have heard on those 2 hour long phone calls with her friends traumatic  is the only word I would use for it)

I started walking listening to some music and just kept going.

I didn't know where I was going and I didn't really mind I just wanted to walk and to clear my head.
I really miss kaneki kun.

Really miss him.

I finally stopped just in front of this café to take a break. Where even am I. I laughed to myself, I didn't really mind getting lost but my mom does cause she freaks out over everything but to me it's kinda fun. This world is a big place I don't mind exploring it.

Maybe I should go in here to get a coffee cause it is fucking cold out here and of coarse I'm smart and decided not to bring a coat.

I walked into the pretty café and sat down. The place had a strong smell of coffee and there was an old man at the counter who smiled at me when I sat down which made me feel safe in here. A waitress with like the best purple hair u have ever seen came over and  i couldn't stop staring that i didn't even hear her ask what i wanted
"S- sorry umm could I get a coffee please with one sugar" I quickly blushed and she smiled and walked away. I'm such an awkward mess sometimes. Kaneki use to say he liked that about me which made me smile slightly.

As I stared out the window i  thought of him again. Then a boy came over with your drink and  I  turned around to say thank you but I  froze. I just stared up at this man with the eye patch and the black hair.

"W-why .. Kaneki?"

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