Beauty in Awe

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Piercing eyes stared into the darkness where I was crouched, shivering, and in utter disbelief. His eyes were, indescribable a piercing...gray.

Though every cell and nerve ending yelled at me to run ,sometI'mhing about this creature captivated me, and I felt this weird sense of danger and peace. I felt myself drifting towards him, when I got just close enough to see his tidal wave black hair, he disappeared almost as if I imagined him, as if for only a second I conjured up a mysterious creature to distract me from my pitiful life. Reality settled in, and I returned to my royal blue toyota.

(opens the car, and sits within the drivers seat)

Lori: sighs " this could not be my life"

Well, that's me. Lori Mason, 17 years old without a boyfriend, or rather 2 if I could figure out how to end it with them both while avoiding any emotional scenes.

I was vastly approaching a mental breakdown. Just that morning I had been telling Jeremy, my best friend that my morning had a horrible start almost like my body was signaling me of some unknown disaster. However, I shrugged off my thoughts and just as I was about to rev of up the engine to get out of here there was a knock on my glass.

Lori: " jeez. What now?" I said as I rolled down the window. To find a rather handsome boy whose smile brightened the night and hazel eyes that sparkled like the stars, I had to admit the presence of this boy, suddenly made my day look not so shitty. His lips were excruciatingly pink like they had never been kissed, they look almost fragile like and soft, I wanted to closer examine but he kept moving them, and that's when it hit me that he was talking to me.

Boy: miss sorry, I don't mean to bother you but I was wondering if your leaving this space?

What was he saying about a space?!

Lori: " oh, you mean if you can have the parking space? No problem ( chuckles) I seem to be in a daze tonight"

Boy: " yea it would appear we all are" he responded as he flashed me a boyish smile, and I realized all to quickly that he was returning to his car. Was he perhaps flirting with me? I got nervous and anxious at the idea, cause I mean he's hot.I turned on the engine and proceeded to move out of the lot, as I began to reverse I thought. "isn't he gonna ask me for my number or something?"

However, all he did was nod and continue into the space.

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