This Is Surreal

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Feeling totally disappointed and slightly embarrassed from expecting the inevitable I turned onto the highway. It seemed to stretch on for miles and miles. Raising the volume on the radio station I started singing out of tune to "like you'll never see me again" by Alicia keys, her voice is so melodic. I started feeling depressed cause I had no one to hold me the way she was describing.

I entered my house and trudged straight up the stairs not really concerned if my parents were there or not, they probably were watching a movie as they did every Thursday night. "wait, it's Thursday! Shit! I forgot to call kalisha and wish her happy birthday." she's gonna be so pissed. No worries I will just wake up super early to buy her a card and balloons. She wasn't even in school today so it will be cool." (sighs)

After a long shower I crashed on my bed, and drowned into the swirling vertex called my dreams. Unfortunately this one was completely dark. Except for the piercing eyes. Immediately the hair on my skin began to stand up, as if alerted that the presence was near. Dark grey eyes gravitated closer and closer to me, and then dark red, that was thick, and .....blood, and I was puddled completely in it. Drinking.. I woke up in sweat and saw that the sun was barely peeking through the blinds covering my window. What kind of dream was that to have? Why the hell was I drinking blood? I went downstairs to get a glass of water to calm my nerves. The cold liquid moved easily down my throat as if my body yearned for it. I chugged the water back and saw a speeding shadow. Immediately dropping the glass out of shock I searched the darkness seeking the unknown presence. I was seriously losing it. So I returned to my cozy bed and the same piercing eyes reappeared, pulling me deeper into his darkness. I woke up to the alarm signaling me that it was now 8o clock and time to get up for school. " fuck what the hell is going on with me?" I packed my bag for school, took a shower and left, not eating the perfectly made breakfast on the table for me. Jeremy was outside on his motorcycle. With a black shirt almost fitted to his chest and rolled up black boot cut jeans with shades. Did he think he was a model for Ralph Lauren or something? I had to admit my best friend looked kind of... Sexy. " jeez, now my best friend? Lori, get it together."

" you good Lori? Your acting kind of weird and your very pale this Morninq." said Jeremy

" Im fine, just hand me the helmet."

Zooming down my small local street I asked him to stop for balloons and a card. soon me and Jeremy were off to school. Where I was positive the day would only get worse.

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