Chapter Three

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Hotty Harry: Hi :)

Me: Hello Prince Harry

Hotty Harry: Lewis ;)

Me: Hey :( Prince Harry is a compliment, remember?

Hotty Harry: How? :p

Me: Who wouldn't want to be called a prince ?!

Hotty Harry: I rather be called daddy ;)

Me: Is that so ;)

Hotty Harry: It is so ;)

Me: ;)

Hotty Harry: ;)

Me: ;|

Hotty Harry: ?

Me: :)

Hotty Harry: Weirdo

Me: I know :)

Hotty Harry: We've been talking for three weeks and this is what we do.

Me: I like it

Hotty Harry: Cutie

Hotty Harry: Send me another pic!

Louis sighed. He had found the person who's pictures he had taken on Instagram, going to it. Officialfraag on Instagram was a beauty. He took another picture and cropped it, sending it to Harry.

Hotty Harry: Are you a model? You act like one haha

Me: No, I wish. But I just love taking pictures like that!

Hotty Harry: Ah, okay. You seem really familiar :p

Louis felt his stomach drop. Was Harry catching on? Was he pretending to not know so he'd just catch him in the act? He didn't reply. He'd just stop talking to him, that's all. No more lying.

Hotty Harry: Oh! Yeah, you look like you could be the son of David Beckham lol


Hotty Harry: No, not David Beckshsn, I said David Beckham.

Me: -_-

Hotty Harry: :)

Me: you're annoying

Hotty Harry: no, I'm Harry


Hotty Harry: Hate is a very strong word. I feel sad now... Someone hates me... I must go cry...

Me: you're such a lose, Harold.

Hotty Hotty: okay Lewis


Hotty Harry: That's what I said, Lewis.

Me: If you know how I feel, why would you say that? Like, you put me in such an uncomfortable situation. Like, you know I'm not happy.

Hotty Harry: Kim Kardashian? Hm, very displeasing. I'd never date a Kardashian.

Me: But you're not dating me :p

Hotty Harry: I could consider it in the future! Unless I'm not your type, but I'm everyone's type so I wouldn't see why

Me: Very cocky I see

Hotty Harry: I thought you said cock I see

Me: Very perverted I see

Hotty Harry: hey, I can't help it. When I hear something with the word cock in it, I'm wide awake


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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