Chapter Two

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He sent it. It took a full minute to actually click the button, but he did, and he felt horrible straight afterwards. He made sure he had picked an average looking guy, not wanting to pick an extremely hot one or it'd seem too good to be true. Harry wasn't responding, which made him more worried. Had he been caught? Did Harry know this wasn't him, did he see the picture somewhere else and automatically knew Louis was lying to him? His brain was scrambled up in all these questions and he hoped Harry didn't see the picture before and before he could even freak out more, his phone buzzed, noting him that Harry had sent him a message.

Hotty Harry:
Wow, you're really cute.

That's it? No "THAT'S NOT YOU" or "this is someone else!"?

He let out a sigh of relief, smiling.

Why, thank you kind sir. You should send me a pic of you ;)

Cool, Louis. Smooth.

Hotty Harry:
All you have to do is look at my Instagram but I suppose I'll take a quick picture right now :)

I'll be here waiting :p

Hotty Harry:
Here you go :)

Louis opened the picture and smiled. He was a model. Not actually a model, but he should be. He was perfect, genuinely perfect.

Hotty Harry:
You there?

I'm here :) You're just so good looking wow is that actually you ?

Hotty Harry:
It's me! I don't find myself that attractive, calm down!

Are you serious ?!?!?!

Hotty Harry:
Come on now, I'm good looking but don't bust a nut XD

Too late wow you're smoking

Hotty Harry:
Thanks babe, nice to know you busted a nut over me ;)

Shut up, no body likes a tease

Hotty Harry:
Fun fact: Teasers are what makes people more interested, adds thrill.

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