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She walked away an i was stunned.  how come i am the one always hurt and alone. I mean she is so outgoing and friends with everyone and so kind and forgiving. But not to me i see the monster she hides from everyone. Our friendship used to be great when we are young but she changed in middle school. She is like ... popualar! i mean all her friends who she is so " CLOSE" to are blinded by her lies that she " CARES"  and " LOVES" them soo much. she is friends with like everygirl except the Vipers those are the really mean rebel girls and no one can even look at them! there is about there is 5 vipers.

she has beaughtiful brown hair,  has big blue eyes, she has a nice tan, and a slim body. on top off that she is super girly , friendly, unbeleivably smily , and is a no- it- all but i am the oppsite.

i am overweight and not slim, i have tangled frizzy red hair,  green eyes, paler than a ghost, i am a wreck! and i am super shy, not very friendly either, always alone, bullied, have trust issius, never smile ( not even a smirk) , clueless, ect.

to next entry,

~ beth

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