the mall

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  I got up and then remebered I have to go to the mall.  Ugh! Why did I agree oh yay Dillen ( girly sigh) wait no! Ugh! boys why? What did I do oh yay I agreed to go to a death zone.  I'm to young to die now I have my whole life inhead of me.

  I got dressed and got ready.  MOM! I hollered I'M GOING TO THE MALL! she called back OK.  I walked to the mall * 15 min.*  I was at the entrance  " Ok " I talked to myself I can always turn around "No!" I will do this. I walked in and saw K.C and her " friends" she smirked and they giggled and wispered to each other. ( sigh) what did i do? She put on a fake smile and greeted me.   " Hey girl didnt think you would come." then she fake smiled like those models in fashion shows. Me " Well of course I would (I did a girly, fake, pretend, short laugh)!"

 Then I saw Dillen ( girly sigh) he had a huge smile and looked sooooo cute!  K.C looked at me and smirked she noticed I had a secret crush! She wispered in my ear " You could of told me you liked Dillen I could so set you two up!" But i noticed her voice was way to cheary and suspicious. She deffinitly had a plan. But who cares right! " really! you would do that!" I said sounding desperate then she responded " sure, theres a party on Friday you should come!

  I have to check my schedule first then I can tell you. i heard her say quietly " Like you are busy you have nothing to do" I just Ignored her comment then spoke " oh man! I left it at home have to get back to you about that."

   I saw her face grow with frustration and anger. But she cooled instanly and put on a fake smile " ok! hope to see you there!" Then turned around and rolled her eyes.

      TA DING!  I need you to babysit your sister remeber come home roxane! - Mom    I replied  I know Mom coming home now; and its Roxy! - Roxy   Hey K.C got to go home bye sorry!      I rushed home  well really running home! Why did i have to babaysit!

- beth


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