Park Minseo

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"Minseo-ah, wake up." My mom said as she shook me, I slowly open my eyes to find myself asleep on my desk again. That's weird, I thought I slept on my bed last night. I fall asleep on my desk more, than falling asleep on my bed; I would say I spend one third of a year sleeping on my bed and the rest of the year on my desk.

"Umma, I'm awake; you can stop shaking me now." A rush of soreness goes through my body as I stand up from the blue spinning chair I slept on last night. "Did you make breakfast yet? Should I go make it right now?"

"It's fine Minseo, I've already made blueberry pancakes. Just go downstairs once you're finished okay?" My mom silently shuts my door and walks out before I can protest about the fact that I didn't make breakfast this morning. I take a glance around my neat and tidy room before looking back at the clock checking the time while I grab my school uniform to make my way to the washroom for a nice refreshing shower.

I walk in front of my dresser thinking about what I should do with my hair today since it's the first day of school, which means that it's my last year at the most prodigious high school. I wonder if I'm going to make any new friends this year, but it's unlikely since no one would want to be friends with nobody. I grab my Ray-Ban glasses, backpack and laptop before making my way down to the kitchen.

I don't live a mansion but for three people my house is pretty big and comfy. My family isn't poor nor are we rich, we're a bit above average but when you look at the way I dress you would think that I come from a pretty underprivileged family. On the other hand, when you look at umma and appa, you can tell right away that they come from a well off household.

As I rush through the corridors in my house, pictures of younger versions of me are hung up and in some pictures you can see my best friend, Lee Eunyoung, standing there beside me with her arm swung around my neck. A strong aroma hits me as I get closer to the kitchen, my mouth starts to water as I think about the incredible pancakes umma makes for the first day of school.

"Good morning Minseo-ah, ready for your first day of school?"

"I don't think I'll ever be ready Appa" I laugh while grabbing the jug of milk from the table before umma places a plate of savory, fluffy pancakes for me to scarf down before I head to the bus station to get to school.

"Is Eunyoung coming over so the two of you can get to school together?"

"Yes Umma, she's coming over so I should start heading out now." I stand up from the table, grab my stuff and wave goodbye to my parents before heading out the door to meet up with Eunyoung.

"Yah, Minseo. Do you really need those glasses of your's or are they there for decoration?" Eunyoung asks me with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

"Really Eunyoung? I thought I told you before, I actually need glasses. And no, I won't get contacts unless it's for you know who." I add with a wink at the end which sends her to endless laughing that lead to uncontrollable giggling. "Stop laughing, people are going to stare at us and wonder what all the commotion is about."

"Do you have a problem with that Minseo-ah? Because I don't. Stop caring about what other people think about you and come out of that ugly shell of your's. Being like that will get you nowhere in life, trust me." We both get onto the cramped, student filled bus and then a impudent male student decided that it would be funny to put out his feet and trip me.

"Yah! Watch where you're going girl!" He yells at me with a smirk on his face. Before I can open my mouth to make a remark, Eunyoung gives me a look telling me to not cause a scene on the bus since we were close to our stop.

"DID YOU SEE THAT? WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME YELL BACK AT HIM?" I dash in front of Eunyoung making my way to school without her which just leads to her catching up to me by running.

"I thought you said that you didn't want to be noticed by people?"

"Ugh, Eunyoung you really are something."

"Then why don't we make a bet? If you don't make any new friends within the first week of school you win and I'll do anything you want me to. But if you lose, you'll have to do whatever I want you to." The smirk on her face tells me it's a bad idea to agree but it's almost guaranteed that I won't be able to make new friends.

"Fine," I reply "If I don't make any new friends by next Monday I win. Now, let's go to our homerooms and get our schedules for the rest of the school year." We walk off laughing at each other's jokes before reaching her other friends. Eunyoung is popular unlike me, I'm the wallflower at my high school.

I end up walking to my homeroom alone again just like every day for the past 5 years before he left me. Why are the hallways so long at school? They seem endless now, unlike the past when he was here. Aish, why am I thinking about him? I walk into my empty homeroom taking in the new surrounding while trying to find myself the best spot for a wallflower since no one's here yet, other than me and the teacher, I plug my earbuds into my ears and start playing my favourite song: Love Letter by Infinite.

My classmates start to file in right before class starts, and I notice a new girl standing there with a lost face. I stand up from my desk in the back of the room, getting ready to help her before remembering the bet I made with Eunyoung. It won't hurt to help someone that's lost right? She looks like she could use some guidance around the school and to her classes.

"Good morning class, we have a new student that will join us this school year. Please introduce yourself Jung Youngsook."

"Hello class, my name is Jung Youngsook as teacher Nam has just said. Please look after me. Thank you." She sits down and stares right into my eyes, making me wonder if it was a good choice to look at her or not.

Block one and two rushes by so fast before I know it, it's lunch time which means time to myself in the library writing essays for the school newspaper. I slowly make my way to the place I need to be while eating my lunch which consists of kimchi and rice.

"Hey Minseo or whatever your name is. Don't you have any friends?" Just ignore him and keep walking, he's not worth it; I tell myself as I walk off towards the library.

Inside the library it's quiet and peaceful just the way I like everything, even my life is quite mundane. I take out my blue binder from my backpack as I start to jot down ideas and notes for the next school newspaper that the writing club is working on. I was told that this year I can be elected as the writing club's president so I decided to get a head start by writing some drafts for the yet to come newspaper.

Satisfied with my work, I walk out proofreading it without putting thought into where I was going; only to then find all my stuff on the ground but that's not the bad part. I'm sitting on the ground with all my work around me and my freshly written essay is nowhere to be seen.


Hi guys, thanks for reading the first chapter and if there are any mistakes please be sure to tell me :) Infinite is performing at where I live and I'm filled with regret because I'm not going to see my oppas :( Hopefully they decide to leave on Saturday so I can go to the airport and watch them leave.

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