New Friend

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"Yah Eunyoung, I just lost my essay that I was going to use for the writing club at least let me go and look for it." I squirm, trying to break free from that iron grasp she has on my wrist.

"You can just write another one, I'm sure it's not hard for someone like you."

"Hey, it was a really good essay." I look at her in the eye trying to give her the puppy eye stare, "Just let me go look for it at least. I'm not sure if I can write that exact essay again." She looks at me unimpressed, gives a sigh and lets go of my wrist, allowing me to feel the sense of freedom once again.

"You know, I think someone probably took it once you left. It's already been like an hour since school ended and I don't think we're going to be able to find it." Eunyoung stops walking and just looks at me.

"I don't know, maybe if we look once more around the library we can find it?" Sighing Eunyoung agrees to my last request and heads towards the library while I trial behind looking at every corner of the hallway with a hawks eye. Eunyoung suddenly stops in front of me causing me to bump into her.

"Shhhh, there's someone standing there in front of the library and she looks suspicious." Eunyoung starts acting like a spy walking around on her tiptoes before I decide to break the ice.

"Uhm. The library closed half an hour ago, in case you didn't know." The girl turns around, and it's the new girl from homeroom.

"Hi, uh, I found your essay on the ground while I was walking to the library after you fell but you were already out of sight. My name is Youngsook, I'm a new student."

"Oh thank you," I take the essay from her, while blessing her soul that she found what I've been looking for the past afternoon, "My name is Minseo and that person over there is Eunyoung, we're going to miss the bus so we have to go. We'll talk to you tomorrow?" This is awfully weird, why does she have my essay now that I think about it. She seems a bit suspicious since she wasn't even there when I bumped into that random guy.

"Yeah, sure." We walk off in our own directions in the hallway.

"Have you ever thought about why the hallways are so long here?" Eunyoung's never ending curiosity starts again. No, and I don't ever want to think about it again. You know why but you always ask me that question even though it pains me to answer, it's like your way of finding out whether I'm over it or not.

"Maybe it's for couples, so that their walk towards their classes seem longer because they're together." Couples my ass, I hate you at this moment for asking that nonsense question when you already know the answer.

"You're not thinking about him again right?" I shake my head as we make the rest of the way home in silence. It must've been hard on her too, during that period of time.

"Umma, I'm home." I walk up the stairs to my room before my phone rings. Hmm...I wonder who would call me at a time like this.


"Minseo-ah!" I walk into my room and sit down on my bed.



"So? That doesn't mean I'm going to audition." My heart starts to beat twice as fast since my bias is under Woollim Entertainment. I really want to audition but I don't think I'll be able to make it.

"Come on, let's audition. Even if we don't make it, it'll be worth it because we tried." Do you know how much it would mean to me if we did make it? I'd have a chance with the person I want to be with the most in the world.

"I'm not sure Eunyoung," I really want to do it, but I really think I shouldn't. "Maybe you can do it alone?"

"I won't audition if you don't." I feel really guilty right now, I should audition.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I have to go do homework now. Talk to you later." She sounds really sad, maybe just maybe I should've said yes and audition with her.

"Okay, bye." I hang up on her and turn on music. Maybe I should audition, but what would happen if I actually do make it? Would I get a chance to be with him? Heading towards the bathroom for a shower, I shake those thoughts out of my head. I let the warm water run for a few minutes before getting in.

"Minseo-ah, are you coming down for dinner?"

"Yes, Umma!" I turn off the music on my laptop just when a skype call comes through. It's probably Eunyoung again.

Jung Youngsook

Huh? Why is she calling me?

"Umma, I'll be down in a few minutes!" I answer the call and immediately I hear her chirpy voice.

"Hi Minseo!" Woah, I didn't know she has a voice like that. She was nothing like that this morning when she introduced herself.

"Oh, uh, Hi. Do you need anything?"

"Not really, I was just wondering if we can be friends."

"Yeah, of course." That was weird, no one has asked to be friends with me ever since that accident happened.

"Thanks so much!" She sounds so happy, I remember when I was that happy.

"No problem, I got to go eat dinner. Bye." I end the call and sprint downstairs towards my dinner.

"I will eat well. Thank you, Umma." I munch on the delicious sushi that were probably store bought since Umma and Appa are always so busy with work. It's not long before we finish everything on the table and Umma rushes me upstairs to keep studying.

I walk into my baby blue room heading straight for the laptop that's sitting on my glass top desk before plopping myself down in the blue spinning chair. While I write my first essay of the year for English, I'm on Youtube deciding what song I should listen to. Hm...The Chaser or Diamonds. Or maybe both?  In less than an hour I found myself asleep at my desk again, in a dream that I never want to wake up from. 

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