Chapter 23

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"I can't sleep at night. I can't call you. I can't even text you not knowin your going to be happy without me." I was shocked. I didn't know he still felt that way about me. I couldn't believe it. "I need you to be with me. Forever. I want to know that I don't have to be afraid to call you, text you or even lye beside you. I just fell so empty inside. Without you."

I looked at him. I was his friend and now. I didn't want to be his friend. I wanted to be closer. We got in his car. I had my hand on the arm rest. He put his on top of mine. His hands were warm and soft. I could tell that he was nervous.

We got back to the hotel. I laid on the bed. Thomas was looking at me. Thomas laid beside me. "Please understand what I mean to say. I fell lonely. Without you." I looked at him. He looked at me. We lend into kiss. But I denied and walked into the bathroom. I sat on the floor. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there then finally fell asleep.

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