Undertaker P.O.V.
I sat in the back looking at an old picture of me and Kane. "Why the hell, did I do it", I thought to myself.
"You really want to know what happened the day you caught on fire? Well listen and listen close, I set that fire. And I set it because you were weak as a child and you are weak now"
Flashback over
I just stood there tears dripping from my eyes, I couldn't even look at that picture anymore.
3 years later.....
I watched as Kane and X-pac were in a match against the Dudley Boyz. X-pac tagged kane in but hit him with a low blow causing Kane and him the match. I got so angry knowing this would happen. He called kane and freak as him and DX then jumped Kane. I watched as my blood boiled, "Wait, till I get my hands on you boy" I whispered to myself. Mariah's P.O.V
I watched in the locker as X-pac turned heel on kane. I started to cry, but I knew that was the storyline. I stopped crying after a while, "Why do you cry so much, Taker will never like me if he saw me crying" I thought as I growled to myself. I'm sure undertaker was in rage knowing he couldn't stop what was happening. After they did that we went on commercial and Kane came to the back still injured. I saw him and started to comfort him and told him I was sorry for what happened. I saw bruises on his left arm which was shown by the attire. The rest of his body was covered in his red and black fire attire, including his face. I never knew why Kane wore a mask, I figured it was just part of the attire. "Hey kane, can I ask you something", I asked. He had to grab his(forgot what that things called kane used since he couldn't talk,whatever that was). "Sure", he was breathing really hard and I knew he was in pain, but kane was strong so it was nothing he couldn't handle. "Why can't you talk without using that thing", I asked. He tensed at this. Kane then got up and limped away, without saying a word.
Kane's P.O.V
I couldn't tell her, I know it's not right but I just couldnt. She would never talk to my brother ever again. I have to find him. I have to find Undertaker. Only he will know what to do, I hated not telling her, it made me feel sad on the inside. It hurt me.