Kane's P.O.V
I got tagged in by a very frustrated X-pac as I got into the ring but before I could go anywhere I felt my hair get pulled and I fall back to the ground. "W-what the hell",I thought. Not long after I see Xpac began to stomp on me as I was very shocked and hurt as I considered him a best friend. Soon after he yanked me by the hair and dragged me across the ring while punching me. I groaned in pain as DX then entered the ring and joined him. On the inside I was hurt and sad but on the outside I was angry and enraged.
Xpac's P.O.V
"Youll never be part of DX or my best friend you know why cause your a piece of crap!",I say as I looked him straight in the eyes.
I saw his girlfriend Tori coming out as I smirked.
I told the rest of the Degeneration X crew to grab Tori as I tied Kane up in the corner.
Tori's P.O.V
I was grabbed by Road Dogg,Triple H, Billy gunn, and the rest of the crew as I struggled to get free.My struggling was no use as they shoved me to X-pac. I looked at Kane for a split second and as soon as I turned back around X-pacs lips crashed against mine. But I couldn't help but kiss him back I was so turned on by his actions.
Kane's P.O.V
I watched helplessly as Xpac and Tori were making out in front of me. I struggled to get free as Tripe H and Chyna only held me down, plus me being tied up didn't really help either. I was pissed and couldn't help but want to beat them all, but on the inside I was in sorrow and hurt. I actually thought Xpac was my friend and I actually thought Tori loved me but I was wrong. She looked at me and smiled, no one saw as I cried under my mask I was shattered and nothing but a shell of a man but inside I was used to this type of torment and hatred. I just sat there helplessly as they laughed.
Third persons P.O.V
After the segment was done Kane finally got free and walked out of the ring to the back but he didn't go to his locker room he didn't even utter a single phrase. He exited the building sitting outside wondering and thinking about what had just transpired.