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    I didn't see my home for the first 3 months of my life. As a tiny 4 pound baby, my home had white tiled walls and monitors and tubes everywhere. My home had no comforting mommy and daddy, but rather multiple nurses and doctors. 7 months my mom, Alice Mitchel, was pregnant with me. I was her 4th kid. Well, as you know 7 months isn't the magic number. So, 3 surgeries, 3 breathing tubes, and 3 painful months later, Alice and Henry Mitchel bring home their new-ish baby and introduce her to 3 other children. My name is Carson Rae Mitchel and I, sadly, was that baby. So you can say since birth I've given doctors hell. Well I've never failed to live up to that standard.

   At age 5 I had had a total of 9 seizures. Just in my first 5 years of life. I was rushed to the hospital many of those 9 episodes. A catscan or 2 later they found I had epilepsy, a disease where signals in your brain get overworked and your brain shuts off and "reboots". Onto more medicine I go and that settles that.

    Age 8 I'm in a car reck and rupture my spleen. This wasn't as serious as my other medical encounters. but it was the straw that broke the camels back because when I woke up from surgery I felt different. I felt to entirely different from other kids, which made all the difference inside.

    Age 10 I was considered depressed. in those 2 years since the spleen surgery I had fallen into a depression. What with my epilepsy, going back and forth between doctors almost every week for 5 years, and at age 8 already had 4 surgeries with scars the size of a #2 pencil you can't blame me. but here comes the worst of my health.

   At age 11 while doing a catscan to check on my epileptic head, they found something in my chest. low and behold 15 different doctors later they found I had formed a tumor in my chest the size of a golf ball. A cancerous tumor. Luckily, they found it before it had taken full effect on my chest. Or my heart. Back into surgery I went and 10 hours later I wake up in recovery with a scar that ran from the very middle of my collar bones where they meet in a hole shape to where my ribs end. Right down the middle of my entire chest. I didn't even have boobs and if that didn't make it odd enough when I did start growing them no low cut shirts for me. At my school I was on a special plan that kept my education up while I battled with doctors to find the next thing wrong with me.

    Age 13 I went into Grandview Medical for 2 weeks because of my depression. My cancer went into remission but I was mentally deflated. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. at this rate I was taking 7 different pills a day. 3 for my epilepsy, one that helped treat the cancer and keep it in remission, and 3 for my mental stability.

    Every 16 year old dreamt of a new car, and to earn the freedom of a licsence, but I broke both my feet from falling out of a tree and it took 2 surgeries to fix the mangled bones in my feet. So no, no driving for me. My depression had gotten better, my cancer was in remission, I hadn't had a seizure in almost 2 years. I was getting healthy (with the exception of my feet and that stupid wheel chair). I was finding my hope again to keep going.

    Finally at age 17 my feet had calmed down and were in small braces. I could walk on them and everything. And I could drive. Because of my constant absences and the times I was at school I was focused on my studies, I didn't make many friends. The freedom of driving was only granted to my parents benefit. I was okay and healthy. Until May 9th, I rolled my car during a snow day and almost crushed my head. Back to the hospital I go and *que scary, anxiety rich music* I died.

For like 7 minutes, calm down. The oxygen wasn't reaching my brain because of some trauma done to my neck but, yet again, another week in the hospital and I leave with another scar; this time running up my neck and onto my head, about a 4 inch long one.

    Age 18 I graduate but miss my graduation because of some more tests they were doing to check on my cancer. There had been no change in my ribs so all was well. I collect my depressing high school diploma with no enthusiasm and go home to begin my 2 month long break until college.

Oh and I never mentioned...

I'm gay

This is where my story begins. :)

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