Chapter 2

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     I walk into the all-too-familiar room and take my seat on the hospital bed covered in the thin noisy paper sheet.
     Once the nurse finishes taking my vitals she assures me the doctor would be in soon. I smile and nod as she steps out of the room and closes the door behind her.
     I pull out my phone and check my messages. I send a quick text to my mom and let her know I was at the doctors office safely when another nurse comes in and hands me some gowns. "What are these for?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows. He was just doing a check up and listening to my migraine complaints right?
     "The doctor requested we take an MRI of your head to see what's causing the head aches." She smiles slightly and let's herself out. I let out a loud agitated sigh and quickly change into the stupid hospital gown. I wait a while for the doctor when finally he comes in.
     "Good morning Carson. How are you today?" I hear the same greeting, yet again.
     "I'm okay. Well I don't guess I'm okay...I'm fine and all but my headaches have been getting worse and more frequent and came to see what that's about." I say, confusing myself and probably the doctor. He lets out a muffled hum and looks at his paper work nodding. He takes his glasses off and looks up at me.
      "Okay well I've ordered an MRI as you can tell" he motions to my apparel, "and we'll see what's going on in there" he points a finger to my head and let's out a small laugh.
     I look down at my lap. MRI's always bothered me because of how loud they always were. I remember my first MRI when I was 5. I didn't understand what to do and the nurses assumed some five year old would know how to react to it so when I started crying, the nurses got frustrated with me and ordered my mom into the MRI safety room while I took it so I'd shut up and I've had my mom with me in everyone since then. Until now.
      After a loud sigh I say, "okay." The doctor tells me a nurse will be here soon to take me where I need to go and leaves. Again, another five or ten minutes and a nurse shows up to take me to my MRI. I feel anxiety start to build up in my chest and a tear slip from my eye as I follow the nurse down the hallway. A few tears later and I'm silently crying.
    At that exact moment I pass an open door where I hear crying. I look in feeling warm tears slide down my cheek and make eye contact with Lesley who was sitting with her mom holding her hand on a hospital bed. She and her mom were the only two in the room. Go figure. Douche bag and his hand were probably in the car having a romantic dinner.
     I hear someone clear their throat and realize I had stopped in front of the door and was just looking at the saddened girl and her beat up mother. The cough came from the nurse who probably was thinking that I was being invasive of this girls business.
    I quickly walk away from the door. No doubt Lesley saw and heard the whole thing and now really thinks I'm a creep. I wipe my face and quickly walk with the nurse to the imaging room.
     I enter the scary room and take my seat on the bed. I lean back and close my eyes wanting this all to end soon.
     Yes, I cried. But it was over soon enough. After I go back to my room and change, not bothering to look into Lesley's room, I see the doctor and get some medicine to hold me over until they find the cause of my headaches and head out of the room.
     I stop in front of a window and use its reflection to put on my beanie. I go out to the waiting room say a quick goodbye to Mrs. Johnson before opening the door to the cold weather outside. I stare down at my feet that crunch under the snow and await my arrival to my car when suddenly I feel strong arms knock me sideways onto the ground.
     "Who in the hell-" I say as I rid the cold wet snow from my right cheek and look up at my attacker. I look up at Lesley's....friend....and narrow my eyes. "Hey! You're the ass hole who put you hands on that...girl." I refrain from saying her name to reduce the creepiness. She already caught me staring at her. I don't need her...friend...knowing that I know her name because I ease drop on their conversations.
      "That girl is my girlfriend and I have the right to touch her how I deem necessary. And it's not your place to tell me I can't!" He points a finger at me and bends over a little getting closer.
     I feel rage bubble up in me. I stand up quickly and get in his face and whisper with bared teeth, "how about you use that hand for something other than hitting girls and jerking off?" I silently applaud myself for my witty comeback but get cut off with a slap to the cheek.
     I hold my cheek in shock and leave shut my mouth that had fell open from the physical attack. Of course knowing me I instantly react instead of thinking things through when I grip my fist and pull back, winding up to punch that fucking smirk off his face when I hear a sweet voice yell for us to stop when instantly I put my fist down and look her way. I see her frightened gaze on her douche bag when I feel a strong fist knock the side of my face. I instantly fall to the ground and see black.

Okay hi, I hope you love it, bye :)

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