Chapter 2: Remember Yourself

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We had been walking for sometime when I looked around to see if the forestry scene had changed, it hadn't but I did a double take and I noticed a strange sight that was beckoning me to come to it.  

I started floating towards it when I felt a hand grab my wrist and hold me back. I gasped loudly as I was sucked into another place and time.

I was being grabbed and thrown down, I was crying hysterically but I didn't know why and I couldn't remember. Then I heard a click and a loud bang.  

I came back to the present and realized I was crying. Why was is crying? I looked at who was holding my wrist, it was Joseph.  

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly. He looked at me with a concerned look on his face. He closed his eyes and I could see that he was thinking so I grew quiet.  

I saw the shadow again but this time it was farther away to the left of Joseph and I. "It's back." I whispered.  

Joseph opened his eyes and looked at me before to where I was looking. He must have seen it also because he tightened his grip on my wrist. He looked at me and said in a quiet voice, "Don't go no matter how tempting." I nodded and laced my fingers into his, he must have sensed that I didn't trust myself with the shadow.  

He slowly started walking to where we were heading originally before I got distracted. I had the sudden urge to turn around and go back. I tried to pull away from Joseph but I couldn't get my hand free but Joseph was stronger. I started pulling away rapidly but I couldn't move and I grew angrier with every tug.  

"Let me go!" I Screamed. My voice rang out through the trees. Joseph didn't flinch but started dragging me out of the forest.  

I started again furiously but I couldn't even make his fingers bend. I was about to scream again when I felt something like a vacuum sucking every ounce of air out of my ghostly lungs. I started gasping and choking the closer we got to the edge of the forest. "I'm going to die!" I started screaming. "Im going to die!" I could hear myself wheezing but I couldn't stop it.  

Just as my pain grew to it's highest point it suddenly stopped. I thought I had died again but I knew that wasn't possible. I tried to look around as everything went dark.  

I woke up a few minutes later looking up a Joseph, as I opened my eyes I heard him sigh in relief. "Don’t ever do that again, do you understand me? Never." I sat up and hugged him, I don't know why I did It but I did, maybe on impulse? His body stiffened from the sudden physical contact but he slowly wrapped an arm around me relaxing.  

"Thank you." I said, I knew without him I would have never made it through that forest.  

I looked at Joseph before I let go of him and stood up. He seemed to be lost in thought again. I looked around and I saw a few small houses set up down a hill. "Joseph, I think we should go there." I said pointing. I didn't have a solid reason as to why I wanted to go there, I just wanted to explore.  

Joseph looked to the small group of houses and agreed, he thought maybe he could get some food and rest.  

"I forgot that you need that." I said looking back at him. He must be exhausted after walking all day and having to save me.

"Don't worry about it, I don't eat as much as humans do. I can actually go one or two days without eating unlike the humans that think they are dying." He said it simply, I had forgotten that he wasn't human.  

"Wait... what kind of food do you eat?" I asked. I had never thought about that and since he wasn't human his answer was making me nervous.

"I eat.. well, I eat damned hearts. The sinners hearts that will not ask forgiveness." He looked at me waiting for my reaction, I just blinked.  

I didn't know what he wanted but I didn't feel scared around him or that he was going to hurt me, I guess I just felt neutral.  

"Well, at least it's only the damned." I said cracking a small smile. He smiled.  

"You aren't freaked out?" He asked me.

"Not really."

"Cool." He looked back to the town and then to me. "I'll be right back." He whispered. I nodded and he disappeared.  

I waited a few minutes before I heard a very loud scream. I looked down to the town and saw a dark shadow moving up the hill towards me.

I stared at the figure until I recognized Joseph but instead of the laid back Joseph I saw someone else. He was taller than usual and he was in a dark suit, he had no hat on and his eyes were a bright blood red.

"We have to go now." He said quickly grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the town into another patch of trees.  

"What's going on? What's wrong?" I asked him. He didn't respond right away.

"Death knows you are near and he knows you are lost. He wants to collect your soul." He was running so fast that I knew we had to hurry. I started floating and picked him up while going as fast as I could, we shot out of the forest towards my hometown.

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