Chapter 4: Taking Risks

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It was the 4th day of our mission after Joseph had told me what he was and what he did. I trusted him a little more than I had before, but I was still cautious after the weird things that had been going on. It seemed weird that even though I was dead I still got possesed, I didn't think it was possible. The behavior changes made sense with the possessions but the thing that had messed me up the most was the man.

He seemed so familiar but I knew it was just a coincidence. When I closed my eyes I could still see the blackness slowly seeping into my vision and blurring and numbing my mind into dark evil thoughts. The pure evilness I could still feel like it was a drug slowly infecting my whole immune system. I glanced at Joseph, when we had come back into Brunesford he had pulled into an old factory's parking lot. He got out of the truck, closed the door and waited for me to get out.

I got out and looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "Where are we?" I asked, he turned towards the factory and started walking to it without a word. I frowned and quickly followed him. He was walking swiftly towards the large metal door padlocked. I caught up to him and stood silently until he grunted and pulled the large heavy chain out of the way.

"Come on, we have to hurry." he said quietly. Shifting the door so it squeaked open a foot or two, the gap just large enough for Joseph to slip through. I was right after him, desperate to keep his pace afraid of losing him.

He was quickly walking to the back of the factory, hesitating slightly at a pair of doors side-by-side. He choose the one on the right slowly opening it and peeking in before shutting it, sighing frustrated before swinging the left door open. He rushed up a set of stairs, his shoes making heavy thunking sounds as he climbed the stairs. I sat on the bottom step and layed my head against the wall. I sighed and looked up the stairs where I watched Joseph disappear. I could tell something had him troubled but I wasn't sure if it was me or something else.

I got up a few minutes later bored and slowly climbed the stairs. Once I got to the top I glanced around a large screen room for Joseph, I didn't seem him but I spotted another metal door at the other end of the room. I quickly moved to it feeling the hairs on my arms stand up which was strange. I carefully opened the door and peeked inside.

I gasped loudly when I was grabbed around the waist and pulled back, the door slamming shut tightly. I clawed at the hands wrapped tightly around me. "Jewel.. it's me, please stop scratching me.. it's okay, you're okay." I quickly settled down and breathed out in relief slowing turning to see Joseph holding me. Concern flashed across his eyes before they settled down to a soft smile.

"Sorry." I whispered. "Did I really hurt you?" I asked suddenly curious if I could cause anything to happen. He held out the back of his hand to show deep scratches across it slightly bleeding.

"I didn't know you would react that way." He said giving me a lopsided smile. "I'm glad you did though. I shows me that you at least know how to react." He stated simply, looking from my eyes to my hand where they were shaking slightly.

"I'm so sorry." I said quietly, running my fingers across the scratches mesmerized.

He laughed and took my hand. "Come on, I got what I needed, we should probably get going now." He said leading me down the stairs taking two at a time. He lead me back out the front door and closed it behind us, leading me to the truck.

We drove in silence for awhile before he broke the silence, "What did you see back there?" He whispered so quietly that I had to lean in to catch what he said.

I licked my lips and started to wring my hands together trying to find a way to answer. I wasn't exactly sure what I saw or felt but I knew it was bad. I didn't know how to answer in a good way so I asked him about the weather.

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