The Fall

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People always say life unravels super slow or super fast. All she wanted was for it to unravel slower. For it to slow down, for changes to move slower. But she got fast. Everything was rapid, barely able to comprehend everything that was changing until it was over.

She had lots of friends. She was friendly to others. She had the picture perfect family. She was able to connect with God, which made her mother happy. She even managed to get an amazing guy with good morals and a good life. She had good grades without trying. Life couldn't get any better. Life was just getting started for her, nothing bad would happen to her. Or so she thought.

But little did she know there was a storm brewing. A storm so big a person would think she would have seen it coming half way across the world. But she didn't. She was in her own little world. Where nothing was going to ruin her perfect life.

First it was the perfect family. Within two months a tornado came through it. Her oldest sister always being angry and wanting to leave the house. And the parents distancing themselves from the rest of their children when her older sister went into the hospital for trying to kill herself, again and again. Her brother stopped coming by the house, like he couldn't handle the family. The house was toxic, even though her younger sister didn't know anything and was still light hearted. She needed her family. She was depressed herself but no one could tell. No one asked if she was okay. And the one family member who she trusted and loved the most wasn't there for her, her brother was gone.

It then went with the boyfriend. They broke up. He left for some other girl, she didn't understand but she kept it all inside of herself. Yet her friends could tell she wasn't okay. So they made her forget about him, at least temporarily.

Once the boyfriend was gone so were her friends. They started to ignore her. Then she stopped trying to start the conversation. Some even said she was a waste of space. She was worthless. She wasn't a good friend. She was bad for their mental state. She needed help and they couldn't be there for her.

She began to lose herself. She couldn't begin to believe that God was real when he was putting her through hell. She became more negative, she talked less, she just wanted to fade away.

She tries so hard in class and can barely scrap by. She dropped a class and still struggles. She feels so stupid for dropping the class. For not being smart enough for A's. She couldn't believe how hard she could try in school and still not being getting the best grades. It just didn't make sense to her.

About a month later she was able to find out she still had friends. Few friends, but she still had them. The guys may not like her but she'd be okay one of these days. Her family will always be messed up, she just had to except it. She once again found God in her corner. Watching over her.

She even developed a crush on another guy. He was sweet and has never cheated. He was the perfect guy for her. And her ex-boyfriend sent her a topless picture. She tried hard to stare at his face. But his chest was so beautiful. They were suppose to be friends. He was suppose to care about her. All her friends were. She never told her crush she liked him. She just got majorly messed up.

She kept thinking, it's all she knew how to do. She thought day in and night out. In school she thought the most. At lunch one day she went up to the roof. She could see her breathe since it was winter. She stood on the edge, hoping to feel alive, and leaned a little forward.

She looked back at the door and completely fell. Then something grabbed her. Grabbed her arm and pulled her up. It was her ex-boyfriend. He had a look of terror on his face. Behind him was her two closest friends and her current crush. They were all there. She was loved. She was important. She wasn't a nothing.

Then she snapped out her day dream. No one would catch her if she fell. No one would care if she fell. No one would mourn her. "So why not fall?" She asked herself. She pondered for a moment.

She took a deep breath. She fell backwards. Wind rushing all around her, making her hair fly up. There was a little buzzing in her ear. Just before she hit the ground she remembered everything and everyone she loved. But it was too late for goodbyes.

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