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Are you like Elijah with a deep set of eyes,

With a piercing look that can send her to heights?

Who can love so much and would be a soldier,

Would give his all even if it cost his six feet under.

Or maybe Azrael the Third with his crazy remarks,

Having a humor that is full load of crap.

A guy that will bend down on his knees,

Just for a chance that he wanted to be his.

A guy like Rozen, loving someone near yet so far,

He doesn't care even if his girl gives him scar.

As long as he could show how deep his love is,

He would sacrifice his all just to see smile on her lips.

Someone like Wade that makes other jaws drop,

A little smirk from him makes one's heart thump.

A guy who will strum his guitar and keep you serenading,

Will give you assurance that his love is never ending.

Maybe like Pierre that is called primitive,

But little did we know, a guy who values courtship.

A guy that is cryptic but never lose his cool,

Will be forever faithful and won't treat you like a fool.

Do not worry 'coz if I become your lady,

I would be like Coreen who'll support you already.

I may be annoying, yes, there are times,

But I will be faithful, won't feed you any lies.

I would be your Entice when times get rough,

We'll fight together and be tough enough.

Through thick and thin, whatever it takes,

I would be mature for our love's sake.

I could be your Roseanne, willing to get hurt,

As long as her loved one would feel his worth.

Never get tired to show affection,

Will give to you my very attention.

When things for us got complicated,

I would be your Klare with a love unrequited.

Even if loving you would mean losing you,

Always remember that my love for you is true.

The one that is fiction zoned, that's all I ever be,

Characters from stories, where can I see?

But I know someday, I will be loved,

The one that is given, sent from God above.

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