Ray Ray Imagine: Only for you

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It's Halloween and you and you're boyfriend were going to a Halloween party with the boys. Ray and you shared an apartment together so you both decided to meet the boys at the party. You already had you're costume on but Ray was still getting ready. While you were putting the finishing touches to your make up when you heard Ray's footsteps enter the bedroom.

"No way Y/N." Ray said shaking his head at the costume in his hand.

You knew he wouldn't like it but you were still hoping you could convince him. "Come on Ray! You love the books and the movies why not dress up like them?" You said pouting a little.

"Because I'm going to look like a total douche! That's why and the boys will rip me a new one if the see me in this." He said crossing his arms over his chest, costume still in hand.

Only one more shot to convince him to put on the costume. Time to pull out the big guns you thought.

"Ray Ray!! Please do it for me!" You begged with puppy dog eyes you knew he couldn't resist."

"Ugh! Fine! You happy?" Ray sighed. You just jumped up and down and nodded.

"Yes, Now go into that bathroom and change before we're late." You said pushing him towards the bathroom.

"You owe me big time." He said before he entered the bathroom.

When he came out the bathroom grabbed him and sat him down in the chair you did your make up on.

"Uh uh. I draw the line here. No make up is going on my face." He started to get up but you pushed him back down in the chair.

"I'm just going to put some glitter on you." You said. He sighed but let you do it.

"Okay you're done let's head to the party." You said when you were finished.

You both grabbed everything you needed then headed out to the car. The car ride was silent besides Ray's little grumbling about the costume. When you guys reached Roc front door and knocked the door Roc opened it. When he opened it he smiled at you, but when he saw Ray he started laughing.

"Why did you had to pick theses costumes?" Ray whispered to you because Roc was still laughing.

You looked up to him and said "You're the Edward to my Bella." You whispered back.

He looked down at you for a minute then he smiled and held your hand.

"Edward 'Douchebag' Cullen do come in." Roc said when he was done laughing.

Ray sighed then looked back at you and said "Only for you."

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