7. I'm gay?

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*Vics P.O.V*

The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever. I never really though of myself because gay but Kellin, he changed that. His lips were so soft and his breath was minty. I moved my hands onto his waist and smiled as we kissed. We barely gasped for air.

"Well, well. Looks like one couple ends, and one gets together." I heard someone speak from behind us, and what sounded like 2 others clapping. I pulled away and turned around to see Alex, Jack, and Oli. I blushed hardcore as Kellin chuckled.

"It's alright dude," Oli said as he looked at me "no need to look like Santa Clause." everyone laughed and Kellin grabbed my hand.

"When I kissed Vic in the backyard that night. That wasn't because I was drunk and stupid. I barely drank and I knew what I was doing. I pretended to be upset when Justin saw.. I developed a crush that week on Vic. I was just hoping Justin would see and break up with me so I could finally tell Vic.. And well I was slightly upset about the entire situation before, but not entirely. I was happy Justin was gone, because I like Vic." Kellin said as everyone sat on the ground in front of us in shock. I looked at him, and out of instinct, grabbed his face, and kissed him.

"GET ITT!" All three of them yelled at the same time. Kellin and I both laughed as he fixed his beanie and I fixed my snapback.

"So, what's your ship name?" Jack asked. I looked at him puzzled "Wow. You're new to this. A ship name is your guys' names put together, since yanno, you're a couple now. Just like mine and Alex's is Jalex." he continued. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Kellin, and then at the rest.

"Woah. Wait a second. I just figured out I'm gay, and I haven't asked Kellin out yet, and he hasn't asked me out. We aren't in a relationship" I spoke up. As I was speaking I noticed Kellin searching his pockets for something. He finally found what he was looking for, and grabbed my hand and put the thing in it.

It was a pikachu lanyard. He looked me in the eyes and started speaking.

"Victor Fuentes. You handsome thing. Will you be my boyfriend" I smiled until my cheeks hurt and started blushing. I nodded and hugged him.

"Okay, so it's settled! Your ship name is Kellic Quinntes!!" Oli shouted. I didn't even realize they were talking about that because I was more focused in Kellin and his perfect face. We all laughed.

"I think we all should go back in so we can get food so we don't starve to death." Alex said as he stood up pulling jack up with him.

"Yeah that sounds like a gold idea, mates." Oli said as he picked himself up off the ground. Kellin stood up and put his hand out

"my lady." he jokingly said. I put my hand in his and stood up. "it'd be my pleassure Mr.Bostwick" I chuckled. We headed back in and went straight for pizza. Kellin and I got two slices of plain, while I'm pretty sure Oli, Jack, and Alex got everything on the menu.

Somehow, Jack and Alex's food got done before us so they went to go get a table. Oli, Kellin, and I stood waiting for our food until I saw Justin coming out way, I guess Kellin sad him too because as soon as he saw Justin looking, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me as close as he could get me, smirked, and kissed me. Every second that went by I felt the kiss deepen. I soon traveled my hands down his back and when I got to his butt, I firmly placed my hands on it, and squeezed. He moaned slightly.

When Justin was gone Oli tapped on my shoulder and we let go of each other. We looked around and saw Alex and Jack with their jaws dropped, they soon started clapping.

"Yeah, Justin wasnt the only look you were getting. Also, nice ass grab Vic. I could tell Kellin was getting turned on." Oli chuckled. I looked at Kellin and we both blushed like crazy.

Our food finally finished and we went to sit down and eat.

Maybe I like this year alot more then I thought I ever would. I finally came out of the closet, my boyfriends the most handsome one out there. I had friends after such a short time.. Everything's going great, and I don't think it could get any better.


Okay hi guys! I finally got an update in and I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I've been so caught up in school and I barely sleep anymore, and I'm trying to organize my life ahhhhh. I'm sorry my peanuts. Leave some likes and comments. Love yous!

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