2. Poor Oli and The New Kid

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*Kellins P.O.V*

We chased after Oli until he finally came to a stop. He turned around, with tears in his eyes and went to speak, but he couldn't get the words out.

Let me fill you in, Oli and his ex, Hayley Williams were together for a year, and the entire time she cheated on him with his now, ex band mate. She had even gotten pregnant with his child, and told Oli that it was his. They broke up not too long ago, and Oli still isn't over her. He promised himself he wouldn't be in the same room as her until he was over her.

I rushed over to Oli and grabbed him into a tight hug. He's quite tall so it was awkward when he had to bend down to put his head on my shoulder. He didn't hug back but he did cry on my shoulder for a good 5 minutes. Poor Oliver. I could go back in that classroom and give that bitch a stern talking too..

I walked Oli into the bathroom when he was done crying, and cleaned his face up.

"You look horrible." I chuckled. He smirked and chuckled back. Oliver had been my best friend since I was a young child. Nothing could break our bond. He was like my twerpy brother that was only older by a few weeks.

"Your hair looks terrible! Oliver what have you been doing to yourself! You never slack off with your hair.. Your hair completes your good looks!" I said before bursting into a laughing fit. Oli punched my arm and quickly fixed his hair.

A few moments later, Jack, Alex, and Justin came in. Justin came up behind me, and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"It got pretty awkward out there." Alex said quietly. "The principal was showing some new kid around, he saw us standing there, and asked us what we were doing, so we just played it off like we were coming in here to use the bathroom."

I shot a look at Jack who was standing there smirking at his boyfriend, he caught me and looked back. He didn't seem happy at all today.. He wont even talk.

I thought for a moment..

"Well, let's go meet the need kid! You know how I like to introduce myself to everyone." I said

Justin and Oli chuckled as Alex smiled. All three of us looking blankly at Jack, who didn't seem to want to do anything. Something must be really bothering him.

We all walked out of the bathroom, to surprisingly see that the new kids locker was only a few feet down from the bathroom, I walked up to him, smiled, and put my hand out.

"I'm Kellin, Kellin Quinn to the exact. I've been in this school since freshman year, I know all around, if you need any help, just ask me and my friends." I said. The boy grabbed my hand and shook it firmly. "this is Justin, my boyfriend" I said pointing to the boy who was fixing his snapbacks and 00g plugs. Justin waved and the boy waved back "This is Alex, and Jack. They're boyfriends. Jacks in a mood today, so I don't suggest talking or looking at him, bad idea." I quickly said pointing to the love birds. Jack wasn't looking but Alex shot him a quick smile. "And this my dear, is my brother Oliver Sykes. " I said pointing to the tall brown haired boy. Oli smiled and the boy looked away.

"Who might you be mate?" Oli said quickly.

"Victor, Victor Fuentes. But please call me Vic" he said, as he shoved his backpack into his locker.

Jack quickly turned around and walked up to the boy.

"I know you! You're the fucking leader singer of Pierce The Veil! Dude how the fuck have you been!" Jack shouted.

Alex seemed to be getting jealous so Oli went up to him and rubbed his shoulders so he'd calm down.

"Jack, I didn't even know it was you! Im great. My band's getting noticed. How have you been?!" Vic laughed

Jack turned around and realized we were all looking at them, he knew Alex was about to kill. Jack smirked then spoke.

"I've been good. My boyfriend and I have been doing well, our bands successful, I've got great friends. Everything's going good." Jack swiftly said before shooting his boyfriend a smile. That made Alex feel better.

"So, Vic. What homeroom do you have? We can help you find it." I chimed in.

"Uh, C157." Vic nervously said.

"Hey that's our homeroom mate! You can sit by us. " Oli said, thrilled that we've made a new friend. He's so weird.

The bell rang which means we were late for homeroom, I grabbed Justin's hand as Alex and Jack ran off to homeroom, Oli stayed by Justin and I.

"Hey dude, we gotta get going. We're late for homeroom and. Mrs.Balavic is a bitch" Justin snapped.

Vic closed his locker and we all ran to homeroom, quickly grabbing the last 4 seats by Jack and Alex.

Homeroom had begun, and so did hell.

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I know this is a Kellic fanfic but we're getting there. It'll get there maybe within the next chapter or the chapter after. Please give feedback. & also v sorry if this is sucky

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