Preparing for date

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{Chapter 15}


Riker's POV

New day. New date. Yesterday was my first date with Laura so how about another one? Uh oh! I forgot that I didn't tell mom about us

End of POV

Riker calls Laura

She doesn't answer

"Hey it's Laura! I'm probably busy right now or eating GoGurt! Sorry I didn't answer, leave a message after you hear the beep"


Riker: Hey it's Riker! I was thinking of going out on our second date, we already had our first one so yeah! Love you!


And he throws his phone and lays on his bed

His phone rings

-On phone-

Riker: Hello?

???: It's Laura!

Riker: Oh hey babe

Laura: Hey RikeyBoo! Sorry I didn't answer I was eating GoGurt and watching tv and I didn't hear my phone

Riker: It's okay!

Laura: So, about that second date?

Riker: Princess Laura, would you like to go out on our second date today?

Laura: I would love to, Prince Riker

Riker: Virtual kiss

Laura: Virtual phonecall kiss

Riker: Haha! Anyways we'll be at the rooftop of a building

Laura: Huh?

Riker: Our date! You know what forget what I said. I want it to be a surprise

Laura: Okay. Well I better get ready!

Riker: I'll pick you up at 6:00

Laura: Okay. Bye RikeyBoo!

Riker: Bye LaurBear!

-hangs up-


Riker's POV

It's 2:00 and I should get ready. I wore a white t-shirt with a black jacket and some pants, then I went to the flower shop to get my LaurBear some flowers

End of POV


-Flower Shop-

Riker: One bouquet of roses please!

Worker: Here you go! That'll be 12 dollars

Riker: Here! Thanks

He got out from the flower shop and went to the jewellery store

Riker: Hmm?

Worker: Would you like to see our new collection of diamond earrings? It's on sale

Riker: How much?

Worker: Depends on which one you want

Riker: I want the best one

Worker: Tha'll be 950 dollars

Riker: Okay

Riker takes out his visa card and buys the diamond earrings

He gets out of the jewellery store and drives home


Riker's POV

I hope Laura likes this. For the date, we're eating dinner on the roof of a building. The building is really high, there will be a red carpet, some candles and a guy who plays violin


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