Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Strange encounters

I grabbed my back pack kissing my mom on the cheek. "By momma." I tell her flipping my over grown bangs out of my eyes, country accent strong and proud. My mom smiled and my dad stood over the sink pouring out coffee while he thought my mom wasn't looking.

"Andrew! If you didn't like it you could've just said so!" My mom said looking at my dad sourly she hit him with a dishrag.

"Sorry nelly." He said guilty and I chuckled hearing my mom call bye as I made my way out the door.

Licking my lips I got in my jeep and put the keys in the engine, stomach feeling a bit queasy a couple weeks left of junior year and then what? Senior year? I had no plans for college, yet and actually felt ashamed of myself. I pulled into school and got out the car.

"Hey Evan!" My girlfriend kaylie bounced up an down waving her hands on the air. She was gorgeous. Her blonde locks fell to her waist and he had stunning blue eyes, she ran over to me and planted a firm kiss open my lips.

It wasn't bad at all she was quite a good kisser but I don't know. I never felt...'the fire' with her that they talked about in the books and movies, but I shrugged the feeling off. This was real life not some strange fairy tale. My hands wrapped around her waist and I pulled her closer deepening the kiss to a point were we both pulled apart gasping for air.

She giggled and I picked her up spinning her around. I may not feel that fire with her but what else was I supposed to do but go with the flow? "Evan I'm so excited for are date tonight!" she said, being a little loud as she bounced on her toes, I wasn't surprised.

She was captain of the jaguars Cheerleading team an those girls had pipes lemme tell you I could hear her all the way from the football Field.

I ran a hand through my dark brown an blonde hair using my eyes to pretend to be excited. ''Me too." I tell her with an over exaggerated tone. She grins showing her perfect teeth and her best friend holly come over and pulls her away for a second and they run off giggling like mad. 

I shake my head, wondering what it would be like to be a girl for a moment, I then took a moment and decided that would be my worst nightmare. That could be really annoying. I walk to the school steps and my bestfriend Tucker comes to stand by my side.

"Hey dude," he greeted, punching my shoulder I cringe. Tucker was too strong for his own good but I let it go.

I passed tons of people and the hallway parted to make way for me an tucker, I kept my gaze straight on my locker and ignored the envious and lustful stares of the boys and girls of Waver High. Getting to my locker me and Tucker parted ways, seeing as how his locker was two hallways away from mine, so I just nodded goodbye and he strutted down the hallway with so much confidence it hurt my eyes to watch.

"Hey." Someone whispered, I looked over and jumped to see I was looking at a guys shirt. Moving my head upwards I see this guy standing there who towered over my 5"8 frame by a good foot or Two. Gulping I squeaked out a ''hi'' and then cleared my throat.

''Hey." I say in a much deeper voice and the guy chuckles.

"I was just gonna ask you if you knew where Mrs. Chambers class was." and I looked at his schedule to see it matched mine. Gulping I squinted into his navy blue eyes and then looked down at the paper again. "Yea... I have her first period ill show you." The guy nodded and shoved the paper in his back pocket.

"By the way, I'm Justin." Justin murmurs and holds out a hand I take his hand clasping it in mine.

"I'm Evan." I tell him quietly and he smiled down at me, taking my hand away .

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